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1 |
Acceptance of chronic pain in veterans with PTSD based on post-traumatic growth and pain catastrophizing: The mediating role of mindfulness
Eyni, Sanaz |
8 |
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2 |
Adverse childhood experiences, perceived stress, and chronic diseases among older adults: A cross-sectional study in Mexico
Madrigal Gonzaleza, Izbeidi Jabelt |
8 |
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3 |
Assessing the Persian International Trauma Questionnaire: A psychometric study
Yousefi, Shahab |
8 |
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4 |
8 |
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5 |
Editorial board
8 |
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6 |
Integrating object-relations and schema models to treat complex trauma: A case study of splitting and integrating traumatic experiences
Lian, Amos En Zhe |
8 |
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7 |
Lifespan integration therapy: Patients’ discourse about outcomes and integration feeling
Bahans, Maylis |
8 |
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8 |
Massage therapy for survivors of rape and sexual abuse: A systematic review
Amilhau, Amélie |
8 |
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9 |
Mourning in selected contemporary amharic novel: A meta-psychological perspective
Dibekulu, Dawit |
8 |
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10 |
Narrative exposure therapy for PTSD and structural dissociation and Techniques for its conduct: A Case study in Japanese psychiatric hospital
Domen, Itsuko |
8 |
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11 |
“Now there are fewer of me". A qualitative study of the impact of psychoeducative groups for complex dissociative disorder
Holbæk, Ingunn |
8 |
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12 |
Partner betrayal trauma and trust: Understanding the impact on attachment style and self-esteem
Das, Mridula |
8 |
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13 |
Political socialization and its impact on psychological resilience and PTSD among individuals engaged with Israeli occupation forces on Mount Sabih
Jabali, Oqab |
8 |
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14 |
Posttraumatic growth, posttraumatic depreciation and beyond: Exploring the applicability of quantitative measures in Sierra Leone
Steidl, Andreas |
8 |
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15 |
Posttraumatic stress disorder and psychosocial risk factors in first response workers to emergencies mixed method
Díaz-Tamayo, Alejandra María |
8 |
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16 |
Psychological implications of man-made trauma and efficacy of “Teaching Recovery Techniques” on children and adolescents exposed to trauma
Abbas, Sadia |
8 |
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17 |
Psychometric properties of the Escala de Gravedad de Síntomas Revisada del Trastorno de Estrés Postraumático (EGS-R) in adults in Ecuador after the Covid-19 pandemic
Moreta-Herrera, Rodrigo |
8 |
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18 |
See no evil: Effects of trait dissociation on psychomotor vigilance
Siegle, Greg J. |
8 |
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19 |
The effects of the intergenerational transmission of the Holocaust trauma on family functioning, resilience, anxiety and depression: A case-control study
Leys, Christophe |
8 |
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20 |
The impact on child development of traumatic exposure during pregnancy: A systematic review
Colamarino, Lisa |
8 |
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21 |
Trajectories of anhedonia symptoms after traumatic injury
Piña, Isela G. |
8 |
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22 |
What is the problem with retractors?
Vos, Herry |
8 |
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