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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A psychometric evaluation of the International Trauma Questionnaire (ITQ) in a trauma-exposed college sample Camden, Abigail A.

7 1 p.
2 A systematic review investigating the early maladaptive schemas (EMS) in Individuals with trauma experiences and PTSD Lian, Amos En Zhe

7 1 p.
3 Childhood trauma in patients with Dissociative Identity Disorder: A systematic review of data from 1990 to 2022 Raison, Aurégane

7 1 p.
4 Contents
7 1 p.
5 Dialectical Dynamic Therapy (DDT): Allowing progressive change through the subtle repair of master-identity Şar, Vedat

7 1 p.
6 Dynamic model of moral injury Kvitsiani, Mariam

7 1 p.
7 Editorial board
7 1 p.
8 Exploring the Impact of Trauma and the Role of Compassion Before and After a Phase-orientated Intervention for Complex Trauma Willis D.Psych.Sc (Clinical), Dr Niamh

7 1 p.
9 Francine Shapiro (1948-2019) Solomon, Roger M.

7 1 p.
10 L'amnésie dissociative dans le Trouble de Stress Post-Traumatique: Analyse de la validité scientifique d'un phénomène psychologique controversé Tapia, Géraldine

7 1 p.
11 Parent-child dynamics as predictors of dissociation in adulthood Kate, Mary-Anne

7 1 p.
12 Psychological and somatic manifestations of dissociation: The role of childhood trauma, attachment, and alexithymia McHugh, Laura

7 1 p.
13 Stabilisation and Phase-Orientated Psychological Treatment for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Willis D.Psych.Sc (Clinical), Dr Niamh

7 1 p.
14 State and trait dissociation in pathological skin picking Spitzer, Carsten

7 1 p.
15 Stress and coping strategies in the general population of Greece and Cyprus in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study Kleanthous, E

7 1 p.
16 The Child Survivor: healing developmental trauma and dissociation, 2nd Ed. by Joyanna L. Silberg (2022). Highly recommended for psychotherapists who work with children and adolescents surviving complex trauma and dissociation Ma, Ellen

7 1 p.
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland