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                             14 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Achille en Afrique. Pertinence de Janet pour les cas actuels de possession dissociative Saillot, I.

4 3 p.
2 A multifaceted case-vignette integrating neurofeedback and EMDR in the treatment of complex PTSD Gerge, Anna

4 3 p.
3 A systematic review of the neuroanatomy of dissociative identity disorder Blihar, David

4 3 p.
4 Being in touch: The potential benefits and the use of attuned touch in psychotherapy for functional neurological symptoms (FNS) Moenter, A.

4 3 p.
5 Contents
4 3 p.
6 COVID quand tu nous tiens ! Tarquinio, Cyril

4 3 p.
7 Editorial Board
4 3 p.
8 Integrative psychotherapy and psychotherapy integration: The case of EMDR Rydberg, J.A.

4 3 p.
9 Le syndrome d’excitation génitale permanente : hypothèses neurodéveloppementales Pernot-Masson, Anne-Catherine

4 3 p.
10 Persistent genital arousal disorder: A neurodevelopmental hypothesis Pernot-Masson, A.C.

4 3 p.
11 Psychotherapy of postpartum dissociative psychosis based on the theory of the structural dissociation of the personality and hypnotherapy: A case study Piedfort-Marin, Olivier

4 3 p.
12 Psychotherapy through lifespan integration: How do therapists describe the feeling of integration? Rejil, Sami

4 3 p.
13 The powerful hold of COVID-19 Tarquinio, Cyril

4 3 p.
14 What neuroscience and neurofeedback can teach psychotherapists in the fieid of complex trauma: Interoception, neuroception and the embodiment of unspeakable events in treatment of complex PTSD, dissociative disorders and childhood traumatization Gerge, Anna

4 3 p.
                             14 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland