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                             13 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 An uncommon cause of hypoglycemia in the emergency room: A case report Torres-Díaz, Juan Adrián

68 9 p. 673-674
2 Application of the changes in the Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes ADA 2021 to clinical practice in our country. SED-SEEN document Gargallo Fernández, Manuel

68 9 p. 664-667
3 A therapeutic education program with a diabetes specialist nurse for type 2 diabetes patients using insulin in a primary care setting. A diabetes education program with a diabetes specialist nurse in a primary care setting Cabré Font, Carla

68 9 p. 628-635
4 Clinical characteristics and management of type 1 diabetes in Spain. The SED1 study Gómez-Peralta, Fernando

68 9 p. 642-653
5 Hemoglobin Himeji as a cause of interference in the measurement of glycated hemoglobin García Urruzola, Fernando

68 9 p. 671-672
6 Incidence and dynamic risk stratification in differentiated thyroid cancer in a high-resolution clinic, 2002–2017 Díaz-Soto, Gonzalo

68 9 p. 636-641
7 In-patient management protocol for diabetes insipidus associated with adipsia. Developed from a clinical case Ruiz-Sánchez, Jorge Gabriel

68 9 p. 668-670
8 Malnutrition and nutrition support in COVID-19: The results of a nutrition support protocol Morán-López, Jesús Manuel

68 9 p. 621-627
9 Sarcopenic dysphagia in institutionalised older adults Moncayo-Hernández, Brigitte Alexi

68 9 p. 602-611
10 Seventy eight children born small for gestational age without catch-up growth treated with growth hormone from the prepubertal stage until adult height age. An evaluation of puberty and changes in the metabolic profile Campos-Martorell, Ariadna

68 9 p. 612-620
11 The impact of the COVID-19 health alert on psychosexual and health care for transsexuals and for people with diverse gender identities during social confinement Gómez Balaguer, Marcelino

68 9 p. 675-676
12 The role of ghrelin and leptin in feeding behavior: Genetic and molecular evidence Espinoza García, Astrid Selene

68 9 p. 654-663
13 Why should we all be concerned about sarcopenia and disease-related malnutrition? Ballesteros-Pomar, María D.

68 9 p. 599-601
                             13 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland