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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Analysis of hospitalizations in the population with diabetes with EHRead tools Barajas-Galindo, David E.

68 6 p. 444-446
2 Cost-effectiveness evaluation of the use of PCSK9 inhibitors Civeira, Fernando

68 6 p. 369-371
3 Hypothalamic-pituitary abscess as a complication of acute sinusitis: A case report and evolution with conservative management Reyes Céspedes, Luz María

68 6 p. 441-443
4 Impact of Advanced Diabetes Centers on the healthcare experience of patients with type 2 diabetes using the IEXPAC tool Gómez-García, Antón

68 6 p. 416-427
5 Inferior petrosal sinus sampling and stimulation with CRH: 15 years of experience in a tertiary hospital González Fernández, Laura

68 6 p. 381-388
6 Long-term effect of combined therapy with somatostatin analogs and dopamine agonists as a primary treatment in a non-functioning invasive pituitary macroadenoma Iglesias, Pedro

68 6 p. 439-441
7 Medium/long term evaluation of lipid profile after bariatric surgery (gastric bypass versus sleeve gastrectomy) Abellán Garay, Laura

68 6 p. 372-380
8 Nutritional management of gastric cancer Carrillo Lozano, Elena

68 6 p. 428-438
9 Recovery of parathyroid function in patients with thyroid cancer treated by total thyroidectomy: An analysis of 685 patients with hypoparathyroidism at discharge of surgery Díez, Juan J.

68 6 p. 398-407
10 The presence of microvascular complications is associated with a poor evolution of metabolic control in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus Carral, Florentino

68 6 p. 389-397
11 Thyroid disorders associated with immune control point inhibitors Fidilio, Enzamaria

68 6 p. 408-415
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland