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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Acromegaly: Diabetes and HOMA-IR Biagetti, Betina

68 1 p. 1-2
2 A food pyramid, based on a review of the emerging literature, for subjects with inflammatory bowel disease Rondanelli, Mariangela

68 1 p. 17-46
3 Can study of the ADRB3 gene help improve weight loss programs in obese individuals? González-Soltero, Rocío

68 1 p. 66-73
4 Consumptive hypothyroidism in patient with previous primary hypothyroidism Civantos Modino, Soralla

68 1 p. 76-78
5 Development of the professional role of diabetes nurses in specialised diabetes and primary care in Catalonia Valverde, Maite

68 1 p. 53-65
6 Intestinal necrosis associated with enteral nutrition by jejunostomy Merino Viveros, María

68 1 p. 74-75
7 Our experience in prolactinomas larger than 60mm Remón-Ruiz, Pablo

68 1 p. 3-10
8 Prevalence of severe hypoglycemia in a cohort of patients with type 1 diabetes Pinés Corrales, Pedro J.

68 1 p. 47-52
9 Real-life study of the effectiveness of a high calorie and high protein formula in the maintenance and improvement of nutritional state in patients with an indication of long-term enteral nutrition Ballesteros Pomar, María D.

68 1 p. 11-16
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland