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                             6 results found
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1 Approach to the cardiometabolic continuum. Narrative description Arocha Rodulfo, J. Ildefonzo

33 3 p. 158-167
2 COVID-19 and diabetes: A bidirectional relationship Lima-Martínez, M.M.

33 3 p. 151-157
3 Diabetes mellitus and SARS-CoV-2 infection Alonso, Núria

33 3 p. 148-150
4 Effect of Bempedoic Acid on atherogenic lipids and inflammation: A meta-analysis Masson, Walter

33 3 p. 117-126
5 Liquid carbohydrate intake modifies transsulfuration pathway both in pregnant rats and in their male descendants Fauste, Elena

33 3 p. 127-137
6 Massive data screening is a second opportunity to improve the management of patients with familial hypercholesterolemia phenotype Zamora, Alberto

33 3 p. 138-147
                             6 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands