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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Cameron lesions and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors: An uncommon combination Izquierdo Romero, Marta

43 5 p. 264-265
2 Deep infiltrating endometriosis: An atypical cause of intestinal obstruction Fernández-de la Varga, Margarita

43 5 p. 262-263
3 Errors in the care of inflammatory bowel disease patients: “Errata” Study Casanova, María José

43 5 p. 233-239
4 Melanosis coli: A comprehensive review Yang, Ningning

43 5 p. 266-272
5 Modification of liver fibrosis, glucose and lipid profile after hepatitis C virus clearance with direct-acting antiviral agents Goñi Esarte, Silvia

43 5 p. 248-255
6 Mucosal prolapse in capsule endoscopy. What does it make us think of? Roa-Colomo, Amparo

43 5 p. 260-261
7 Orexin A associates with inflammation by interacting with OX1R/OX2R receptor and activating prepro-Orexin in cancer tissues of gastric cancer patients Hu, Shengjuan

43 5 p. 240-247
8 Pancreatic perivascular epithelial cell tumour (PECOma). Case report and literature review Colón Rodríguez, Arturo

43 5 p. 257-259
9 Perianal disease as the first manifestation in paediatric Crohn's disease Sosa Solís, Albany María

43 5 p. 256-257
10 Recommendations by the Spanish Working Group on Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis (GETECCU) on the treatment of patients with inflammatory bowel disease associated with spondyloarthritis González-Lama, Yago

43 5 p. 273-283
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland