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                             7 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 De la sociedad maquinal a la sociedad de la vida y la biósfera Abreu-Hernández, Luis Felipe

6 2 p. 101-114
2 Enseñanzas de la pandemia COVID-19. El reencuentro con la vulnerabilidad humana Casas Martínez, M. de la Luz

6 2 p. 80-91
3 Is keeping my child from getting the MMR vaccine unethical? Bioethical arguments for informed decision-making Valenzuela-Almada, Maria O.

6 2 p. 121-138
4 The Coronavirus pandemic and the principle of common good Agazzi, Evandro

6 2 p. 63-66
5 The moral compass in The COVID-19 era: The line between empathy and eagerness of the young surgical generation. A multidisciplinary point of view from first year residents (PGY-1) Serena, Giuseppe

6 2 p. 115-120
6 The pandemic and the ethical dilemma of limited resources: Who to treat? Palazzani, Laura

6 2 p. 67-79
7 The role of philosophy in the pandemic era Lourdes Velázquez, G.

6 2 p. 92-100
                             7 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland