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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Broadening the gene pool of Robusta coffee (C. canephora): Characterization and character association analysis of local collections based on agro-morphological traits Akpertey, Abraham

24 C p.
2 Contrasting tolerance and gene expression between white pine (Pinus strobus) and jack pine (P. banksiana) exposed to an increasing nickel concentration Moarefi, Nastaran

24 C p.
3 Distinct microbiome and nutrient status of a saline hydromorphic soil under rice cultivation in comparison with laterite soil Unnikrishnan, Boby Vattekkattu

24 C p.
4 Genetic characterisation of fragmented Asian elephant populations with one recent extinction in its eastern-central Indian range Parida, Jyotirmayee

24 C p.
5 Genetic evaluation of Garcinia gummi-gutta L. (Roxb.) accessions based on inter simple sequence repeat markers B, Vishnu

24 C p.
6 Identification and characterization of conserved miRNAs from Gossypium hirsutum Sakthivel, Seethalakshmi

24 C p.
7 In-situ morphological characterization of indigenous chicken Ecotypes in Uganda Beyihayo, Geoffrey Akiiki

24 C p.
8 Mitochondrial DNA cytochrome-b assisted DNA barcoding for the exploration of spatio-genetic variation among the population of Labeo rohita from different parts of India Sarmah, Buddhadev

24 C p.
9 Phenotypic relationship among Menz, Wollo, and Merhabete sheep populations of Ethiopia: Its implication for conservation Mustefa, Amine

24 C p.
10 Screening of rice germplasms (Oryza sativa L.) for seedling stage cold tolerance utilizing morphological and molecular markers Kumar Singh, Brijesh

24 C p.
11 Spatial genetic structure and limited gene flow in fragmented populations of the threatened Malleefowl (Leipoa ocellata) Stenhouse, Peri

24 C p.
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland