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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Assessment of expression of a number of immune-related genes in the periodontitis Gholami, Leila

22 C p.
2 Effect of bioaugmentation on the growth and rhizosphere microbiome assembly of hydroponic cultures of Mentha aquatica Kalniņš, Mārtiņs

22 C p.
3 Genetic analysis of grain yield and agronomic traits of quality protein maize inbred lines and their single-cross hybrids under drought stress and well-watered conditions Owusu, Godfred Afrifa

22 C p.
4 Genetic and behavioural data confirm the existence of a distinct harbour porpoise ecotype in West Greenland Olsen, Morten Tange

22 C p.
5 Host plant rhizo-microbiome interactions: Seasonal variation and microbial community structure analysis associated with Barleria prionitis Kumar, Dinesh

22 C p.
6 Metagenomics: Potential for bioremediation of soil contaminated with heavy metals Huang, Wei-Ling

22 C p.
7 Mutagenic potential of cadmium nitrate [Cd(NO3)2] and ethyl-methane sulphonate [EMS] in quantitative and cyto-physiological characters of Capsicum annum L. cultivars Hasan, Nazarul

22 C p.
8 Study on the inhibition kinetics parameters of esterases enzymes from the red palm Weevil Larvae Ellakwa, Takwa E.

22 C p.
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland