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                             82 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Accelerated epigenetic aging mediates link between adverse childhood experiences and depressive symptoms in older adults: Results from the Health and Retirement Study Klopack, Eric T.

17 C p.
2 A descriptive analysis of 2020 California Occupational Safety and Health Administration covid-19-related complaints Thomas, Marilyn D.

17 C p.
3 A protective rung on the ladder? How past and current social status shaped changes in health during COVID-19 Upenieks, Laura

17 C p.
4 A quasi-experimental study of parent and child well-being in families of color in the context of COVID-19 related school closure Ursache, Alexandra

17 C p.
5 A Rasch analysis assessing the reliability and validity of the Arizona CoVHORT COVID-19 vaccine questionnaire Habila, Magdiel A.

17 C p.
6 Assessing comparative asset-based measures of material wealth as predictors of physical growth and mortality Mayfour, Katherine Woolard

17 C p.
7 Associations of social capital and health at a city with high aging rate and low population density Watanabe, Jun-ichiro

17 C p.
8 Associations of socioeconomic status indicators and migrant status with risk of a low vegetable and fruit consumption in children Boelens, Mirte

17 C p.
9 Behavioral factors are perhaps more important than income in determining diet quality in Canada Hosseini, Seyed H.

17 C p.
10 Body shape and stable employment opportunity analysis of China's nonagricultural labor market Li, Ping

17 C p.
11 Can social risks in early life predict children’s health and academic outcomes? An analysis of the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children Walls, Alexandra

17 C p.
12 Childhood food insufficiency and adulthood cardiometabolic health conditions among a population-based sample of older adults in Puerto Rico McClain, Amanda C.

17 C p.
13 Color disparities in cognitive aging among Puerto Ricans on the archipelago Liu, Mao-Mei

17 C p.
14 Compulsive immobility: Understanding the role of health on collective efficacy Powell, Blake W.

17 C p.
15 Consequences of barriers to primary health care for children in Aotearoa New Zealand Jeffreys, Mona

17 C p.
16 Continuity of care and multimorbidity in the 50+ Swiss population: An analysis of claims data Nicolet, Anna

17 C p.
17 County-level estimates of excess mortality associated with COVID-19 in the United States Ackley, Calvin A.

17 C p.
18 Decomposing socio-economic inequalities in antenatal care utilisation in 12 Southern African Development Community countries Selebano, Keolebogile M.

17 C p.
19 Deferred depression? Mediation analysis of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals and immigration enforcement among Undocumented Asian and Pacific Islander students Manalo-Pedro, Erin

17 C p.
20 Disability pension dynamics in early adulthood: A two-decade longitudinal study of educational, work and welfare-state trajectories in Norway Wittlund, Sina

17 C p.
21 Do human capital investments mediate the intergenerational transmission of domestic violence? Agüero, Jorge M.

17 C p.
22 Economics of attention: The gender-based bing communication study on depression Hswen, Yulin

17 C p.
23 Effect of childhood proximity to lead mining on late life cognition Lee, Mark

17 C p.
24 Estimating heritability of height without zygosity information for twins under five years in low- and middle-income countries: An application of normal finite mixture distribution models Karlsson, Omar

17 C p.
25 Everyday discrimination and cancer metaphor preferences: The mediating effects of needs for personal significance and cognitive closure Fernandez, Jessica R.

17 C p.
26 Examining socio-spatial mobility patterns among colon cancer patients after diagnosis Wiese, Daniel

17 C p.
27 Excess mortality in Russia and its regions compared to high income countries: An analysis of monthly series of 2020 Timonin, Sergey

17 C p.
28 Fine particulate matter and depressive symptoms in children: A mediation model of physical activity and a moderation model of family poverty Joo, Young Sun

17 C p.
29 Food environments and obesity: A geospatial analysis of the South Asia Biobank, income and sex inequalities Atanasova, Petya

17 C p.
30 Gender-based inequalities in the effects of housing on health: A critical review Vásquez-Vera, Constanza

17 C p.
31 Geographic variation in and contextual factors related to biguanide adherence amongst medicaid enrolees with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Learnihan, Vincent

17 C p.
32 Grandparental care and childhood obesity in China Liu, Yue

17 C p.
33 Health after union dissolution(s): Cumulative and temporal dynamics Barbuscia, Anna

17 C p.
34 Health and health behaviors in China: Anomalies in the SES-health gradient? Huang, Rui

17 C p.
35 Higher educational attainment is associated with longer telomeres in midlife: Evidence from sibling comparisons in the UK Biobank Amin, Vikesh

17 C p.
36 Home confinement and mental health problems during the Covid-19 pandemic among the population aged 50 and older: A gender perspective Silva, Patrícia

17 C p.
37 Identifying temporal patterns of adherence to antidepressants, bisphosphonates and statins, and associated patient factors Park, Kyu Hyung

17 C p.
38 Impact of conditional cash transfers on enrolment in community-based health insurance among female-headed households in south Gondar zone, Amhara region, Ethiopia Mussa, Essa Chanie

17 C p.
39 Income inequality and depression among Canadian secondary students: Are psychosocial well-being and social cohesion mediating factors? Benny, Claire

17 C p.
40 Income trajectories and self-rated health status in the UK Akanni, Lateef

17 C p.
41 Inequalities in recovery or methodological artefact? A comparison of models across physical and mental health functioning Jatta, Salmela

17 C p.
42 Levels, trends and socio-demographic determinants of infant and under-five mortalities in and around slum areas of Dhaka city, Bangladesh Razzaque, Abdur

17 C p.
43 Life course socioeconomic position and general and oral health in later life: Assessing the role of social causation and health selection pathways Letelier, Alejandra

17 C p.
44 Linking critical consciousness and health: The utility of the critical reflection about social determinants of health scale (CR_SDH) Windsor, Liliane Cambraia

17 C p.
45 Literacy and self-rated health: Analysis of the Longitudinal and International Study of Adults (LISA) MacDonald, Emma

17 C p.
46 Manufacturing doubt: Assessing the effects of independent vs industry-sponsored messaging about the harms of fossil fuels, smoking, alcohol, and sugar sweetened beverages Maani, N.

17 C p.
47 Maternal education and sibling inequalities in child nutritional status in Ethiopia Bras, Hilde

17 C p.
48 Mental disorder and first-time marriage formation among non-Western migrant women: A national register study Straiton, Melanie

17 C p.
49 Mortality disparities between Black and White Americans mediated by income and health behaviors Luo, Juhua

17 C p.
50 Moving up but not getting ahead: Family socioeconomic position in pregnancy, social mobility, and child cognitive development in the first seven years of life Johnson, Sara B.

17 C p.
51 Occupational cognitive stimulation, socioeconomic status, and cognitive functioning in young adulthood Stebbins, Rebecca C.

17 C p.
52 Occupational determinants of physical activity at work: Evidence from wearable accelerometer in 2005–2006 NHANES Yu, Xiao

17 C p.
53 Past local government health spending was not correlated with COVID-19 control in US counties Lamba, Sneha

17 C p.
54 Quantitative methods for descriptive intersectional analysis with binary health outcomes Mahendran, Mayuri

17 C p.
55 Racial/ethnic differences in clusters of adverse childhood experiences and associations with adolescent mental health Zhang, Xiaoyan

17 C p.
56 Roles of participation in social activities in the association between adverse childhood experiences and health among older Japanese adults Nishio, Marisa

17 C p.
57 Rural/urban dwelling across the life-course and late-life cognitive ability in Mexico Saenz, Joseph L.

17 C p.
58 Social capital and HIV-serodiscordance: Disparities in access to personal and professional resources for HIV-positive and HIV-negative partners Iveniuk, James

17 C p.
59 Son preference and health disparities in developing countries Le, Kien

17 C p.
60 Structural racism and the education gradient for early all-cause mortality Bartle-Haring, Suzanne

17 C p.
61 The association between neighborhood social and economic environment and prevalent diabetes in urban and rural communities: The Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) study Uddin, Jalal

17 C p.
62 The challenges of measuring social cohesion in public health research: A systematic review and ecometric meta-analysis Oberndorfer, Moritz

17 C p.
63 The development of adolescent agency and implications for reproductive choice among girls in Zambia McCarthy, Katharine J.

17 C p.
64 The impact of COVID-19 on a cohort of origin residents and internal migrants from South Africa's rural northeast Ginsburg, Carren

17 C p.
65 The long-term effects of free care on birth outcomes: Evidence from a national policy reform in Zambia Lagarde, Mylene

17 C p.
66 The mental health crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic in older adults and the role of physical distancing interventions and social protection measures in 26 European countries Mendez-Lopez, Ana

17 C p.
67 The positive and negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on subjective well-being and changes in social inequality: Evidence from prefectures in Japan Sudo, Naoki

17 C p.
68 The relationship between postsecondary education and adult health behaviors Jehn, Anthony

17 C p.
69 The rising burden of Alzheimer's disease mortality in rural America Ho, Jessica Y.

17 C p.
70 The role of context in shaping the relationship between physical health and suicide over the life course Phillips, Julie A.

17 C p.
71 The role of material and psychosocial resources in explaining socioeconomic inequalities in diet: A structural equation modelling approach Hoenink, Jody C.

17 C p.
72 The social gradient in COVID-19 vaccination intentions and the role of solidarity beliefs among adolescents Patzina, Alexander

17 C p.
73 The unequal burden of the Covid-19 pandemic: Capturing racial/ethnic disparities in US cause-specific mortality Luck, Anneliese N.

17 C p.
74 The use of digital technology for social wellbeing reduces social isolation in older adults: A systematic review Sen, Keya

17 C p.
75 Trajectories of health-related quality of life by change pattern of objective and subjective social status Kim, Eunah

17 C p.
76 Trends in happy life expectancy in Russia, 1994–2015 Minagawa, Yuka

17 C p.
77 Tuition-free secondary education and women's attitudes toward intimate partner violence: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa Bhuwania, Pragya

17 C p.
78 Using sibling models to unpack the relationship between education and cognitive functioning in later life Herd, Pamela

17 C p.
79 Vaccine eagerness: A new framework to analyse preferences in single profile discrete choice experiments. Application to HPV vaccination decisions among French adolescents Chyderiotis, Sandra

17 C p.
80 What we can learn from U.S. food policy response to crises of the last 20 years – Lessons for the COVID-19 era: A scoping review Fraser, Katherine Tomaino

17 C p.
81 Willing but unable: Physicians' referral knowledge as barriers to abortion care Anderson, Elizabeth M.

17 C p.
82 Women's intergenerational intimate partner violence and household child abuse in Burma (Myanmar) Miedema, Stephanie Spaid

17 C p.
                             82 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland