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                             19 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Acute cholecystitis after colonoscopy: A rare complication Ladrón Abia, P.

87 4 p. 491-492
2 Consensus on the management of complications of cirrhosis of the liver in pediatrics Flores-Calderón, J.

87 4 p. 462-485
3 C-reactive protein/albumin ratio (CAR) as a marker for detecting acute severe ulcerative colitis in Egyptian patients Header, D.A.

87 4 p. 447-454
4 Cystic artery pseudoaneurysm Tagerman, D.

87 4 p. 489-490
5 Degree of concordance on the management of patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease. A study among specialists that are members of the Sociedad Latinoamericana de Neurogastroenterología (SLNG) Soifer, L.

87 4 p. 420-431
6 Efficacy of octreotide in bleeding recurrence from small bowel angioectasia: A comparative study Del Cueto-Aguilera, Á.N.

87 4 p. 411-419
7 E-1500: Survey on feeding practices in the first 1,500 days of life, recommended by healthcare professionals in Latin America Ladino, L.

87 4 p. 439-446
8 Gastrointestinal bleeding as the first manifestation of gastric amyloidoma: A case report Hani, A.C.

87 4 p. 503-505
9 Hartmann’s procedure versus primary anastomosis for Hinchey stage III diverticulitis: a prospective case-control study Vergara-Fernandez, O.

87 4 p. 509-512
10 Intestinal pseudo-obstruction: A rare presentation of congenital hypothyroidism Peña-Vélez, R.

87 4 p. 499-501
11 Laparoendoscopic modified Puestow procedure. A report on two cases Brito-Carmona, R.D.

87 4 p. 501-503
12 Laparoscopic cholecystectomy in a patient with situs inversus totalis Montalvo-Javé, E.E.

87 4 p. 486-488
13 Mismatch repair system in colorectal cancer. Frequency, cancer phenotype, and follow-up Rios-Valencia, J.

87 4 p. 432-438
14 Multidisciplinary treatment may avoid pelvic exenteration in rectovesical fistula due to locally advanced rectal cancer Lanza, A.R.

87 4 p. 493-495
15 Preoperative factors correlated with post-bariatric surgery weight loss Stumpf, M.A.M.

87 4 p. 506-508
16 Risk factors for developing hepatocellular carcinoma in patients treated with direct-acting antivirals Santana-Salgado, I.

87 4 p. 455-461
17 Treatment of esophageal perforation: A review of our experience at a tertiary referral hospital spanning the past 19 years García-Moreno, V.

87 4 p. 405-410
18 Treatment of esophageal perforation: A review of our experience at a tertiary referral hospital spanning the past 19 years Torres-Villalobos, G.

87 4 p. 403-404
19 Ulcerated lipoma as a rare cause of gastric tumor Garrido-Márquez, I.

87 4 p. 496-499
                             19 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland