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                             7 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Circulation microRNA expression profiles in patients with complete responses to chemoradiotherapy in nasopharyngeal carcinoma Wardana, Tirta

7 4 p. 233-241
2 Expression of MiRNA-29b and MiRNA-31 and their diagnostic and prognostic values in Egyptian females with breast cancer Abbas, Mona Ahmed

7 4 p. 248-257
3 Long non-coding RNAs as biomarkers and therapeutic targets for ischemic stroke Sufianova, Galina

7 4 p. 226-232
4 MicroRNAs as potential diagnostic markers of glial brain tumors Sufianov, Albert

7 4 p. 242-247
5 MicroRNAs-mediated regulation of glucose transporter (GLUT) expression in glioblastoma Beylerli, Ozal

7 4 p. 205-211
6 The role of long non-coding RNA ANRIL in the development of atherosclerosis Gareev, Ilgiz

7 4 p. 212-216
7 Upregulated circulating mir-424 and its’ diagnostic value for gram-negative bacteremia after thoracic transplantation Shevchenko, Olga

7 4 p. 217-225
                             7 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland