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                             6 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Differential expression analysis comparing EBV uninfected to infected human cell lines identifies induced non-micro small non-coding RNAs Moss, Lumbini I.

5 1 p. 32-36
2 MicroRNA-486-5p and microRNA-486-3p: Multifaceted pleiotropic mediators in oncological and non-oncological conditions ElKhouly, Aisha M.

5 1 p. 11-21
3 Overview of current microRNA biomarker signatures as potential diagnostic tools for leukaemic conditions Buhagiar, Alfred

5 1 p. 22-26
4 Single nucleotide alterations in MicroRNAs and human cancer-A not fully explored field Zhao, Dan

5 1 p. 27-31
5 The 31-nucleotide Y4-RNA fragment in plasma is a potential novel biomarker Ishikawa, Tatsuya

5 1 p. 37-40
6 Unravelling the role of long non-coding RNA - LINC01087 in breast cancer Tripathi, Rashmi

5 1 p. 1-10
                             6 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland