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                             20 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder clinic: An interprofessional collaboration Casey, Tyler

60 5S p. S113-S117
2 A qualitative study exploring opportunities for pharmacists to connect with young mental health consumers McMillan, Sara S.

60 5S p. S23-S33
3 Comparison of pharmacists’ mental health literacy: Developed versus developing countries Aluh, Deborah Oyine

60 5S p. S64-S72
4 Editorial Board
60 5S p. S2, S4
5 Efficiencies and outcomes of depression treatment by a psychiatric pharmacist in a primary care clinic compared with treatment within a behavioral health clinic Silvia, Richard

60 5S p. S98-S106
6 Filling a global gap in access to critical mental health services: Engaging pharmacists to enhance the care of individuals with mental health needs and illnesses Rickles, Nathaniel M.

60 5S p. S5-S6
7 Increasing access to care using clinical pharmacy specialist providers in outpatient mental health: Successful practice integration within the Department of Veterans Affairs Moore, Tera

60 5S p. S107-S112
8 Medication-related characteristics of a high-utilizer psychiatric population Liu, Ina

60 5S p. S73-S77
9 Metabolic monitoring of second-generation antipsychotics: Evaluation of a pharmacist- and nurse-driven protocol Hibner, Taylor A.

60 5S p. S88-S92
10 Outside front cover
60 5S p. OFC
11 Patient and prescriber perceptions of depression screening within a community pharmacy setting Mospan, Cortney M.

60 5S p. S15-S22
12 Practical opportunities for pharmacists to optimize psychotropic medication use among foster youth Lambert, Tammy L.

60 5S p. S7-S10
13 Public awareness of Mental Health First Aid and perception of community pharmacists as Mental Health First Aid providers Dollar, Katie J.

60 5S p. S93-S97.e1
14 Reprint of: Examining Medicare Part D Medication Therapy Management program in the context of mental health Murugappan, Meena N.

60 5S p. S54-S63
15 Reprint of: Impact of elective on students’ perceptions of treating patients with a substance use disorder Jarvi, Ally

60 5S p. S84-S87
16 Reprint of: Psychosocial factors associated with pharmacists’ antidepressant drug treatment monitoring Lauzier, Sophie

60 5S p. S34-S43
17 Reprint of: The role of the pharmacist in mental health: An investigation of the impact of pharmacist-led interventions on psychotropic medication adherence in patients with diabetes Bingham, Jennifer

60 5S p. S78-S83
18 Table of Contents
60 5S p. S1, S3
19 The clinical impact of pharmacist services on mental health collaborative teams: A systematic review Davis, Brandy

60 5S p. S44-S53
20 The evolving role of the pharmacist for individuals with serious mental illness Eaves, Shannon

60 5S p. S11-S14
                             20 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland