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                             17 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Associations Between Cognitive and Physical Effort–Based Decision Making in People With Schizophrenia and Healthy Control Subjects Culbreth, Adam J.

8 7 p. 695-702
2 Central Autonomic Network Alterations in Anorexia Nervosa Following Peripheral Adrenergic Stimulation De la Cruz, Feliberto

8 7 p. 720-730
3 Cognitive Effort Deficits in Depression: Autonomic Correlates and Clues to Potential Rescue Chiew, Kimberly S.

8 7 p. 683-684
4 Coping in the Clinic: Effects of Clinically Elevated Anxiety on Dynamic Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Escape/Avoidance Preparation Sege, Christopher T.

8 7 p. 712-719
5 Daring to Feel: Emotion-Focused Psychotherapy Increases Amygdala Activation and Connectivity in Euthymic Bipolar Disorder—A Randomized Controlled Trial Meyer, Kristina

8 7 p. 750-759
6 Economic Choice and Heart Rate Fractal Scaling Indicate That Cognitive Effort Is Reduced by Depression and Boosted by Sad Mood Westbrook, Andrew

8 7 p. 687-694
7 Editorial Board Page
8 7 p. A1
8 Electric Field, Ictal Theta Power, and Clinical Outcomes in Electroconvulsive Therapy Miller, Jeremy

8 7 p. 760-767
9 Guide for Authors
8 7 p. A5-A10
10 Indirect Effects of Racial Discrimination on Health Outcomes Through Prefrontal Cortical White Matter Integrity Okeke, Onyebuchi

8 7 p. 741-749
11 In This Issue
8 7 p. 681-682
12 Prolonged Physiological Stress Is Associated With a Lower Rate of Exploratory Learning That Is Compounded by Depression Kaske, Erika A.

8 7 p. 703-711
13 Reward Processing in Psychiatric Inpatients With Depression Oh, Hyuntaek

8 7 p. 731-740
14 Spatial Correspondence of LSD-Induced Variations on Brain Functioning at Rest With Serotonin Receptor Expression Delli Pizzi, Stefano

8 7 p. 768-776
15 Subscribers' Page
8 7 p. A2
16 Table of Contents
8 7 p. A3-A4
17 Weathering of Brain Microstructure Links Racial Discrimination to Health Problems: A Causal Pathway to Health Inequities? Webb, E. Kate

8 7 p. 685-686
                             17 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland