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                             19 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Aberrant Emotional Prosody Circuitry Predicts Social Communication Impairments in Children With Autism Leipold, Simon

8 5 p. 531-541
2 Abnormal Brain Networks Related to Drug and Nondrug Reward Anticipation and Outcome Processing in Stimulant Use Disorder: A Functional Connectomics Approach Nestor, Liam J.

8 5 p. 560-571
3 Abnormal Reactivity of Brain Oscillations to Visual Search Target in Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Guo, Jialiang

8 5 p. 522-530
4 Activation of Internal Correctness Monitoring Circuitry in Youths With Psychosis Spectrum Symptoms Levinson, Tess

8 5 p. 542-550
5 Advancing Our Understanding of the Neural Basis of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder by Observing Longitudinal Changes in Resting-State Networks Fassbender, Catherine

8 5 p. 485-487
6 Alpha Event-Related Desynchronization During Reward Processing in Schizophrenia Fryer, Susanna L.

8 5 p. 551-559
7 Altered Gray Matter Cortical and Subcortical T1-Weighted/T2-Weighted Ratio in Premature-Born Adults Schmitz-Koep, Benita

8 5 p. 495-504
8 Boosting the Theory of Mind Network: Specific Psychotherapy Increases Neural Correlates of Affective Theory of Mind in Euthymic Bipolar Disorder Meyer, Kristina

8 5 p. 572-580
9 Disentangling Brain Network Connectivity During Monetary and Drug-Related Reward Processing in Stimulant Use Disorder Beck, Anne

8 5 p. 490-491
10 Editorial Board Page
8 5 p. A1
11 Erratum
8 5 p. 581
12 Guide for Authors
8 5 p. A5-A10
13 Increased Striatal Presynaptic Dopamine in a Nonhuman Primate Model of Maternal Immune Activation: A Longitudinal Neurodevelopmental Positron Emission Tomography Study With Implications for Schizophrenia Smucny, Jason

8 5 p. 505-513
14 In This Issue
8 5 p. 483-484
15 Longitudinal Changes of Resting-State Networks in Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Typically Developing Children Soman, Shania Mereen

8 5 p. 514-521
16 Monitoring Performance Monitors: Leveraging Neurocognitive Precision to Advance Illness Prevention Sarpal, Deepak K.

8 5 p. 488-489
17 Subscribers' Page
8 5 p. A2
18 Table of Contents
8 5 p. A3-A4
19 What Is Not Measured Cannot Be Counted: Sample Characteristics Reported in Studies of Hippocampal Volume and Depression in Neuroimaging Studies Keyes, Katherine M.

8 5 p. 492-494
                             19 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland