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                             18 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Aberrant Neural Response During Face Processing in Girls With Fragile X Syndrome: Defining Potential Brain Biomarkers for Treatment Studies Li, Rihui

8 3 p. 311-319
2 Angiotensin II Regulates the Neural Expression of Subjective Fear in Humans: A Precision Pharmaco-Neuroimaging Approach Zhang, Ran

8 3 p. 262-270
3 An Interpretable and Predictive Connectivity-Based Neural Signature for Chronic Cannabis Use Kulkarni, Kaustubh R.

8 3 p. 320-330
4 Brain Structure and Function Show Distinct Relations With Genetic Predispositions to Mental Health and Cognition Liu, Shu

8 3 p. 300-310
5 Computational Modeling of the n-Back Task in the ABCD Study: Associations of Drift Diffusion Model Parameters to Polygenic Scores of Mental Disorders and Cardiometabolic Diseases Pedersen, Mads L.

8 3 p. 290-299
6 Deriving Generalizable and Interpretable Brain-Behavior Phenotypes of Cannabis Use Konova, Anna B.

8 3 p. 238-240
7 Editorial Board Page
8 3 p. A1
8 Guide for Authors
8 3 p. A5-A10
9 Increased Alpha-Band Connectivity During Tic Suppression in Children With Tourette Syndrome Revealed by Source Electroencephalography Analyses Morand-Beaulieu, Simon

8 3 p. 241-250
10 Internal Capsule/Nucleus Accumbens Deep Brain Stimulation Increases Impulsive Decision Making in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Schüller, Thomas

8 3 p. 281-289
11 In This Issue
8 3 p. 231-232
12 Methylphenidate Enhances Spontaneous Fluctuations in Reward and Cognitive Control Networks in Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Mizuno, Yoshifumi

8 3 p. 271-280
13 Prediction of Behavioral Improvement Through Resting-State Electroencephalography and Clinical Severity in a Randomized Controlled Trial Testing Bumetanide in Autism Spectrum Disorder Juarez-Martinez, Erika L.

8 3 p. 251-261
14 Subscribers' Page
8 3 p. A2
15 Table of Contents
8 3 p. A3-A4
16 The Feature of Sleep Spindle Deficits in Patients With Schizophrenia With and Without Auditory Verbal Hallucinations Sun, Jin-Bo

8 3 p. 331-342
17 Toward Personalized Deep Brain Stimulation for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Fiore, Vincenzo G.

8 3 p. 235-237
18 Using Multivariate Neurofunctional Signatures to Dissect the Specific Mental Processes Modulated by Novel Pharmacological Targets Paloyelis, Yannis

8 3 p. 233-234
                             18 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland