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                             18 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Computational Analysis of Abnormal Belief Updating Processes and Their Association With Psychotic Experiences and Childhood Trauma in a UK Birth Cohort Croft, Jazz

7 7 p. 725-734
2 Altered Surface Area Covariance in the Mentalizing Network in Schizophrenia: Insight Into Theory of Mind Processing Raucher-Chéné, Delphine

7 7 p. 706-715
3 An Approach to Neuroimaging Interpersonal Interactions in Mental Health Interventions Crum, James

7 7 p. 669-679
4 Applications of Machine Learning to Improve Diagnosis, Advance Treatment, and Identify Causal Factors for Mental Disorders Brennan, Brian P.

7 7 p. 635-637
5 Editorial Board Page
7 7 p. A1
6 Elevated Neurobehavioral Responses to Negative Social Interactions in Women With Bulimia Nervosa Luo, Yi

7 7 p. 696-705
7 Facial Emotions Are Accurately Encoded in the Neural Signal of Those With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Deep Learning Approach Mayor Torres, Juan Manuel

7 7 p. 688-695
8 From Childhood Trauma to Delusions: It’s Complicated Waltz, James A.

7 7 p. 633-634
9 Guide for Authors
7 7 p. A5-A10
10 In This Issue
7 7 p. 629-630
11 Neural Basis of Impaired Emotion Recognition in Adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Zuberer, Agnieszka

7 7 p. 680-687
12 Neural Processing Dysfunctions During Fear Learning but Not Reward-Related Processing Characterize Depressed Individuals With High Levels of Repetitive Negative Thinking Park, Heekyeong

7 7 p. 716-724
13 Novel Insights Into Facial Emotion Encoding in Autism Spectrum Disorder Through Deep Learning Zürcher, Nicole R.

7 7 p. 631-632
14 Prediction of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Importance of Neurobiology-Aided Feature Design and Cross-Diagnosis Transfer Learning Kalmady, Sunil Vasu

7 7 p. 735-746
15 Social Health Is Associated With Structural Brain Changes in Older Adults: The Rotterdam Study van der Velpen, Isabelle F.

7 7 p. 659-668
16 Subscribers' Page
7 7 p. A2
17 Table of Contents
7 7 p. A3-A4
18 Transdiagnostic In Vivo Magnetic Resonance Imaging Markers of Neuroinflammation Oestreich, Lena K.L.

7 7 p. 638-658
                             18 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland