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                             18 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Association Between Genetic Risk for Type 2 Diabetes and Structural Brain Connectivity in Major Depressive Disorder Repple, Jonathan

7 3 p. 333-340
2 Editorial Board Page
7 3 p. A1
3 Guide for Authors
7 3 p. A5-A10
4 In This Issue
7 3 p. 239-240
5 Intrinsic Functional Connectomes Characterize Neuroticism in Major Depressive Disorder and Predict Antidepressant Treatment Outcomes Braund, Taylor A.

7 3 p. 276-284
6 Ketamine as a Potential Transdiagnostic Treatment for Anhedonia? Becker, Benjamin

7 3 p. 241-242
7 Ketamine Modulates the Neural Correlates of Reward Processing in Unmedicated Patients in Remission From Depression Kotoula, Vasileia

7 3 p. 285-292
8 Maladaptive Avoidance Learning in the Orbitofrontal Cortex in Adolescents With Major Depression Willinger, David

7 3 p. 293-301
9 Metabolic Traces in the Human Brain: Genetic Risk for Diabetes and Altered Structural Connectivity in Depression Kroemer, Nils B.

7 3 p. 246-248
10 Neurocognitive Measures of Self-blame and Risk Prediction Models of Recurrence in Major Depressive Disorder Lawrence, Andrew J.

7 3 p. 256-264
11 Reduction in Left Frontal Alpha Oscillations by Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation in Major Depressive Disorder Is Context Dependent in a Randomized Clinical Trial Riddle, Justin

7 3 p. 302-311
12 Structural Connectivity Between Rostral Anterior Cingulate Cortex and Amygdala Predicts First Onset of Depressive Disorders in Adolescence Jin, Jingwen

7 3 p. 249-255
13 Subscribers' Page
7 3 p. A2
14 Table of Contents
7 3 p. A3-A4
15 The Course of Disease in Major Depressive Disorder Is Associated With Altered Activity of the Limbic System During Negative Emotion Processing Lemke, Hannah

7 3 p. 323-332
16 Time After Time: Electroconvulsive Therapy Modulates the Brain’s Functional Network Connectivity Dynamics Sambataro, Fabio

7 3 p. 243-245
17 Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Indices of Cortical Excitability Enhance the Prediction of Response to Pharmacotherapy in Late-Life Depression Lissemore, Jennifer I.

7 3 p. 265-275
18 Whole-Brain Functional Connectivity Dynamics Associated With Electroconvulsive Therapy Treatment Response Fu, Zening

7 3 p. 312-322
                             18 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland