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                             20 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Developmental Perspective on Facets of Impulsivity and Brain Activity Correlates From Adolescence to Adulthood Kaiser, Anna

7 11 p. 1103-1115
2 Alcohol Use Disorder and Its Comorbidity With HIV Infection Disrupts Anterior Cingulate Cortex Functional Connectivity Honnorat, Nicolas

7 11 p. 1127-1136
3 Belief Updating and Paranoia in Individuals With Schizophrenia Sheffield, Julia M.

7 11 p. 1149-1157
4 Canonical Correlation Analysis and Partial Least Squares for Identifying Brain–Behavior Associations: A Tutorial and a Comparative Study Mihalik, Agoston

7 11 p. 1055-1067
5 Connectome-wide Functional Connectivity Abnormalities in Youth With Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms Alexander-Bloch, Aaron F.

7 11 p. 1068-1077
6 Editorial Board Page
7 11 p. A1
7 Elevated Effort Cost Identified by Computational Modeling as a Distinctive Feature Explaining Multiple Behaviors in Patients With Depression Vinckier, Fabien

7 11 p. 1158-1169
8 Guide for Authors
7 11 p. A5-A10
9 Hunting the Brain Basis of a Mind Under Siege Hearne, Luke J.

7 11 p. 1049-1050
10 Identifying Disease-Specific Neural Reactivity to Psychosocial Stress in Borderline Personality Disorder Murray, Ryan J.

7 11 p. 1137-1148
11 In This Issue
7 11 p. 1047-1048
12 Neurophysiological Correlates of Dynamic Beat Tracking in Individuals With Williams Syndrome Kasdan, Anna

7 11 p. 1183-1191
13 Persistence, Reward Dependence, and Sensitivity to Reward Are Associated With Unexpected Salience Response in Girls but Not in Adult Women: Implications for Psychiatric Vulnerabilities Frank, Guido K.W.

7 11 p. 1170-1182
14 Prefrontal Cortex Activation and Stopping Performance Underlie the Beneficial Effects of Atomoxetine on Response Inhibition in Healthy Volunteers and Those With Cocaine Use Disorder Zhukovsky, Peter

7 11 p. 1116-1126
15 Subscribers' Page
7 11 p. A2
16 Symptom-Based Profiling and Multimodal Neuroimaging of a Large Preteenage Population Identifies Distinct Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder–like Subtypes With Neurocognitive Differences Wu, Xinran

7 11 p. 1078-1089
17 Table of Contents
7 11 p. A3-A4
18 The Eyes Have It: A Meta-analysis of Oculomotor Inhibition in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Chamorro, Yaira

7 11 p. 1090-1102
19 The Search for Disorder-Specific Neural Characteristics in Borderline Personality Disorder—Beyond Generalized Emotion Dysregulation Thomson, Madelyn

7 11 p. 1051-1052
20 The Specificity of Paranoia and Uncertainty Kazinka, Rebecca

7 11 p. 1053-1054
                             20 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland