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                             17 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Naturalistic Paradigm to Investigate Postencoding Neural Activation Patterns in Relation to Subsequent Voluntary and Intrusive Recall of Distressing Events Visser, Renée M.

7 10 p. 960-969
2 Angiotensin Antagonist Inhibits Preferential Negative Memory Encoding via Decreasing Hippocampus Activation and Its Coupling With the Amygdala Xu, Ting

7 10 p. 970-978
3 Blood-Brain Barrier Perturbations, Psychiatric Disorders, and New Opportunities for Refining Disease Models Arnone, Danilo

7 10 p. 957-959
4 Editorial Board Page
7 10 p. A1
5 Greater Cumulative Lifetime Stressor Exposure Predicts Blunted Reward Positivity in Adolescent Girls Followed for 2 Years Burani, Kreshnik

7 10 p. 1017-1024
6 Guide for Authors
7 10 p. A5-A10
7 Harsh and Inconsistent Parental Discipline Is Associated With Altered Cortical Development in Children Whittle, Sarah

7 10 p. 989-997
8 Imaging the Influence of Red Blood Cell Docosahexaenoic Acid Status on the Expression of the 18 kDa Translocator Protein in the Brain: A [11C]PBR28 Positron Emission Tomography Study in Young Healthy Men Tollefson, Savannah

7 10 p. 998-1006
9 Increased Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability of the Thalamus Correlated With Symptom Severity and Brain Volume Alterations in Patients With Schizophrenia Cheng, Yuqi

7 10 p. 1025-1034
10 In This Issue
7 10 p. 951-952
11 Investigating the Neurobiological and Cognitive Effects of Binge Drinking: Concerns and Considerations Dali, Gezelle

7 10 p. 955-956
12 Loss and Frontal Striatal Reactivities Characterize Alcohol Use Severity and Rule-Breaking Behavior in Young Adult Drinkers Li, Guangfei

7 10 p. 1007-1016
13 Novel Insights Into How Parenting Shapes the Developing Brain Kopala-Sibley, Daniel C.

7 10 p. 953-954
14 Subscribers' Page
7 10 p. A2
15 Table of Contents
7 10 p. A3-A4
16 Using Computational Modeling to Capture Schizophrenia-Specific Reinforcement Learning Differences and Their Implications on Patient Classification Geana, Andra

7 10 p. 1035-1046
17 White Matter Microstructure in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Systematic Tractography Study in 654 Individuals Damatac, Christienne G.

7 10 p. 979-988
                             17 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland