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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Modest Increase in 11C-PK11195-Positron Emission Tomography TSPO Binding in Depression Is Not Associated With Serum C-Reactive Protein or Body Mass Index Schubert, Julia J.

6 7 p. 716-724
2 Clinical and Functional Connectivity Outcomes of 5-Hz Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation as an Add-on Treatment in Cocaine Use Disorder: A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial Garza-Villarreal, Eduardo A.

6 7 p. 745-757
3 Early Adversity and Emotion Processing From Faces: A Meta-analysis on Behavioral and Neurophysiological Responses Saarinen, Aino

6 7 p. 692-705
4 Editorial Board Page
6 7 p. A1
5 Effects of Serial Ketamine Infusions on Corticolimbic Functional Connectivity in Major Depression Vasavada, Megha M.

6 7 p. 735-744
6 Guide for Authors
6 7 p. A5-A10
7 Implications of the Lacking Relationship Between Cognitive Task and Self-report Measures for Psychiatry Enkavi, A. Zeynep

6 7 p. 670-672
8 In This Issue
6 7 p. 669
9 Mapping Disease Course Across the Mood Disorder Spectrum Through a Research Domain Criteria Framework Whitton, Alexis E.

6 7 p. 706-715
10 Psychophysiological and Neural Support for Enhanced Emotional Reactivity in Female Adolescents With Nonsuicidal Self-injury Mayo, Leah M.

6 7 p. 682-691
11 Resting-State Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reveals Neuroplasticity After Repeated Treatment With Ketamine in Treatment-Resistant Depression Galloway, Matthew P.

6 7 p. 676-678
12 Stimulus and Response: Advancing Theoretical Rigor in Early Adversity Research Weissman, David G.

6 7 p. 673-675
13 Subscribers' Page
6 7 p. A2
14 Table of Contents
6 7 p. A3-A4
15 Targeting Addiction Using Noninvasive Brain Stimulation and Neuroimaging Cash, Robin F.H.

6 7 p. 679-681
16 Uncertainty Potentiates Neural and Cardiac Responses to Visual Stimuli in Anxiety Disorders Hiser, Jaryd

6 7 p. 725-734
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland