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                             20 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Adult Attachment System Links With Brain Mu Opioid Receptor Availability In Vivo Turtonen, Otto

6 3 p. 360-369
2 Childhood Maltreatment Alters Normative Changes in Whole-Brain Resting-State Connectivity Gard, Arianna M.

6 3 p. 253-255
3 Computerized Assessment of Motor Imitation as a Scalable Method for Distinguishing Children With Autism Tunçgenç, Bahar

6 3 p. 321-328
4 Depression Risk Is Associated With Weakened Synchrony Between the Amygdala and Experienced Emotion Tottenham, Nim

6 3 p. 343-351
5 Editorial Board Page
6 3 p. A1
6 Examining the Effect of Sleep Disruption on the Neural Correlates of Fear Extinction Straus, Laura D.

6 3 p. 251-252
7 Guide for Authors
6 3 p. A6-A11
8 In This Issue
6 3 p. 249-250
9 Maternal Prenatal Depression in Pregnancies With Female and Male Fetuses and Developmental Associations With C-reactive Protein and Cortisol Freedman, Robert

6 3 p. 310-320
10 Negative Learning Bias in Depression Revisited: Enhanced Neural Response to Surprising Reward Across Psychiatric Disorders Brolsma, Sophie C.A.

6 3 p. 280-289
11 Neural Oscillatory Abnormalities During Gaze Processing in Schizophrenia: Evidence of Reduced Theta Phase Consistency and Inter-areal Theta-Gamma Coupling Grove, Tyler B.

6 3 p. 370-379
12 Partial and Total Sleep Deprivation Interferes With Neural Correlates of Consolidation of Fear Extinction Memory Seo, Jeehye

6 3 p. 299-309
13 Probing the Opioidergic Basis of Attachment (In)security Bartz, Jennifer A.

6 3 p. 256-258
14 Reward Functioning Abnormalities in Adolescents at High Familial Risk for Depressive Disorders Belleau, Emily L.

6 3 p. 270-279
15 Reward Versus Nonreward Sensitivity of the Medial Versus Lateral Orbitofrontal Cortex Relates to the Severity of Depressive Symptoms Xie, Chao

6 3 p. 259-269
16 Smaller Regional Brain Volumes Predict Posttraumatic Stress Disorder at 3 Months After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Stein, Murray B.

6 3 p. 352-359
17 Subscribers' Page
6 3 p. A2
18 Table of Contents
6 3 p. A3-A5
19 Unraveling the Consequences of Childhood Maltreatment: Deviations From Typical Functional Neurodevelopment Mediate the Relationship Between Maltreatment History and Depressive Symptoms Rakesh, Divyangana

6 3 p. 329-342
20 Vulnerability in Executive Functions to Sleep Deprivation Is Predicted by Subclinical Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms Floros, Orestis

6 3 p. 290-298
                             20 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland