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                             17 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Amygdalar Activation as a Neurobiological Marker of Differential Sensitivity in the Effects of Family Rearing Experiences on Socioemotional Adjustment in Youths Liu, Sihong

6 11 p. 1052-1062
2 Differential DNA Methylation Is Associated With Hippocampal Abnormalities in Pediatric Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Ensink, Judith B.M.

6 11 p. 1063-1070
3 Differential Effects of Early Adversity and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder on Amygdala Reactivity: The Role of Developmental Timing Sicorello, Maurizio

6 11 p. 1044-1051
4 Disentangling Amygdala Response After Early-Life Trauma: Reactivity, Habituation, and Symptom Profiles Fineberg, Sarah K.

6 11 p. 1036-1037
5 Doing the Math in Exposure Therapy Fullana, Miguel A.

6 11 p. 1040-1041
6 Editorial Board Page
6 11 p. A1
7 Guide for Authors
6 11 p. A5-A10
8 In This Issue
6 11 p. 1035
9 Mathematical Characterization of Changes in Fear During Exposure Therapy PortĂȘlo, Ana

6 11 p. 1090-1099
10 New Avenues for Serotonin and Oxytocin as a Potential Combination Drug Treatment for Neuropsychiatric Disorders Andari, Elissar

6 11 p. 1038-1039
11 Overnight Sleep Parameter Increases in Frontoparietal Areas Predict Working Memory Improvements in Healthy Participants But Not in Individuals With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder LaGoy, Alice D.

6 11 p. 1110-1117
12 Oxytocinergic Modulation of Threat-Specific Amygdala Sensitization in Humans Is Critically Mediated by Serotonergic Mechanisms Liu, Congcong

6 11 p. 1081-1089
13 Possible Pathological Alteration of a Functional Relationship Between Learning and Neural Activation During Sleep With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Mellman, Thomas A.

6 11 p. 1042-1043
14 Prefrontal Theta Oscillations Are Modulated by Estradiol Status During Fear Recall and Extinction Recall Bierwirth, Philipp

6 11 p. 1071-1080
15 Subscribers' Page
6 11 p. A2
16 Table of Contents
6 11 p. A3-A4
17 White Matter Alterations Are Associated With Cognitive Dysfunction Decades After Moderate-to-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury and/or Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Mohamed, Abdalla Z.

6 11 p. 1100-1109
                             17 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland