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                             17 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Addressing Inaccurate Nosology in Mental Health: A Multilabel Data Cleansing Approach for Detecting Label Noise From Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data in Mood and Psychosis Disorders Rokham, Hooman

5 8 p. 819-832
2 Data-Driven Approaches to Neuroimaging Analysis to Enhance Psychiatric Diagnosis and Therapy Zhang, Xiaolong

5 8 p. 780-790
3 Data-Driven Diagnostics and the Potential of Mobile Artificial Intelligence for Digital Therapeutic Phenotyping in Computational Psychiatry Washington, Peter

5 8 p. 759-769
4 Discovery and Validation of Prediction Algorithms for Psychosis in Youths at Clinical High Risk Worthington, Michelle A.

5 8 p. 738-747
5 Editorial Board Page
5 8 p. A1
6 Guide for Authors
5 8 p. A5-A10
7 In This Issue
5 8 p. 717-718
8 Machine Learning With Neuroimaging: Evaluating Its Applications in Psychiatry Nielsen, Ashley N.

5 8 p. 791-798
9 Pragmatic and Explanatory Progress Using Statistical Models of Disturbed Mind, Brain, and Behavior to Improve Mental Health Paulus, Martin P.

5 8 p. 723-725
10 Subscribers' Page
5 8 p. A2
11 Table of Contents
5 8 p. A3-A4
12 Testing Psychosis Phenotypes From Bipolar–Schizophrenia Network for Intermediate Phenotypes for Clinical Application: Biotype Characteristics and Targets Clementz, Brett A.

5 8 p. 808-818
13 Toward Addiction Prediction: An Overview of Cross-Validated Predictive Modeling Findings and Considerations for Future Neuroimaging Research Yip, Sarah W.

5 8 p. 748-758
14 Toward a Revised Nosology for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Heterogeneity Nigg, Joel T.

5 8 p. 726-737
15 Toward Robust Anxiety Biomarkers: A Machine Learning Approach in a Large-Scale Sample Boeke, Emily A.

5 8 p. 799-807
16 Understanding the Nature and Treatment of Psychopathology: Can the Data Guide the Way? Barch, Deanna M.

5 8 p. 719-722
17 Using Language Processing and Speech Analysis for the Identification of Psychosis and Other Disorders Corcoran, Cheryl Mary

5 8 p. 770-779
                             17 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland