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                             14 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Advancing urban green and blue space contributions to public health Hunter, Ruth Fiona

8 9 p. e735-e742
2 Association between duration of smoking abstinence before non-small-cell lung cancer diagnosis and survival: a retrospective, pooled analysis of cohort studies Fares, Aline F

8 9 p. e691-e700
3 Burden of hepatitis B and C in Europe calls for political impetus to accelerate elimination efforts Pawlotsky, Jean-Michel

8 9 p. e666-e667
4 Community wealth building could address substance use disorders Berger, Mitchell

8 9 p. e668
5 Correction to Lancet Public Health 2023; 8: e585–99
8 9 p. e669
6 Educational and social inequalities and cause-specific mortality in Mexico City: a prospective study Addey, Thomas

8 9 p. e670-e679
7 Hepatitis B and C in Europe: an update from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019
8 9 p. e701-e716
8 Potentially modifiable dementia risk factors in all Australians and within population groups: an analysis using cross-sectional survey data Sue See, Rhiann

8 9 p. e717-e725
9 Premature mortality and socioeconomic inequalities in Mexico Álvarez-Aceves, Mariana

8 9 p. e660-e661
10 Preterm birth and the risk of multimorbidity in adolescence: a multiregister-based cohort study Heikkilä, Katriina

8 9 p. e680-e690
11 Smoking cessation and lung cancer: never too late to quit Murray, Rachael L

8 9 p. e664-e665
12 The path to Universal Health Coverage The Lancet Public Health,

8 9 p. e659
13 The role of syphilis self-testing as an additional syphilis testing approach in key populations: a systematic review and meta-analysis Towns, Janet M

8 9 p. e726-e734
14 Understanding multimorbidity early in life takes a step forward Ferro, Mark A

8 9 p. e662-e663
                             14 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland