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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 An effective pandemic treaty requires accountability Faviero, Guilherme F

7 9 p. e730-e731
2 Closing the gap for drowning prevention across Europe Peden, Amy E

7 9 p. e728-e729
3 Correction to Lancet Public Health 2022; 7: e718–20
7 9 p. e732
4 COVID-19 mortality and excess mortality among working-age residents in California, USA, by occupational sector: a longitudinal cohort analysis of mortality surveillance data Chen, Yea-Hung

7 9 p. e744-e753
5 Gender differences in the association between unpaid labour and mental health in employed adults: a systematic review Ervin, Jennifer

7 9 p. e775-e786
6 Harnessing administrative data to study health inequality Nosrati, Elias

7 9 p. e726-e727
7 Healthy workplaces for a healthy living The Lancet Public Health,

7 9 p. e725
8 Premature mortality in people affected by co-occurring homelessness, justice involvement, opioid dependence, and psychosis: a retrospective cohort study using linked administrative data Tweed, Emily J

7 9 p. e733-e743
9 Reforming the public health system in England Hunter, David J

7 9 p. e797-e800
10 Risk factors for workplace sexual harassment and violence among a national cohort of women in Iceland: a cross-sectional study Jonsdottir, Svava Dogg

7 9 p. e763-e774
11 The effect of a proof-of-vaccination requirement, incentive payments, and employer-based mandates on COVID-19 vaccination rates in New York City: a synthetic-control analysis Cohn, Ezra

7 9 p. e754-e762
12 The mental and physical health of young carers: a systematic review Lacey, Rebecca E

7 9 p. e787-e796
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland