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                             14 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Adolescent transport and unintentional injuries: a systematic analysis using the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019
7 8 p. e657-e669
2 A last taboo in public health The Lancet Public Health,

7 8 p. e647
3 Are young people more vulnerable at anniversaries of deceased parents' death dates? Erlangsen, Annette

7 8 p. e650-e651
4 Association between socioeconomic status and health behaviour change before and after non-communicable disease diagnoses: a multicohort study Wang, Danyang

7 8 p. e670-e682
5 Children's wellbeing remains a blind-spot in public policies in France Cambon, Linda

7 8 p. e652-e653
6 Correction to Lancet Public Health 2022; 7: e576–77
7 8 p. e656
7 Cryptocurrency and new financial instruments: unquantified public health harms Davies, Nathan

7 8 p. e655
8 Enhancing primary stroke prevention: a combination approach Bam, Kiran

7 8 p. e721-e724
9 From Health in All Policies to Health for All Policies Greer, Scott L

7 8 p. e718-e720
10 Mapping emergency department asthma visits to identify poor-quality housing in New Haven, CT, USA: a retrospective cohort study Samuels, Elizabeth A

7 8 p. e694-e704
11 Policies and interventions to reduce harmful gambling: an international Delphi consensus and implementation rating study Regan, Marguerite

7 8 p. e705-e717
12 Risks of using taxation as a public health measure to reduce gambling-related harms Newall, Philip W S

7 8 p. e654
13 Socioeconomic patterns in health behaviours after disease onset Kivimäki, Mika

7 8 p. e648-e649
14 Substance use disorder and suicide-related behaviour around dates of parental death and its anniversaries: a register-based cohort study Hiyoshi, Ayako

7 8 p. e683-e693
                             14 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland