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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Correction to Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol 2018; 4: 435–44
4 6 p. e5
2 Diagnosis and treatment of Crohn's disease
4 6 p. 423-424
3 Dilation after small biliary sphincterotomy Gkolfakis, Paraskevas

4 6 p. 414-415
4 Doxorubicin-loaded nanoparticles for patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma after sorafenib treatment failure (RELIVE): a phase 3 randomised controlled trial Merle, Philippe

4 6 p. 454-465
5 Hepatitis B virus infection in children and adolescents Indolfi, Giuseppe

4 6 p. 466-476
6 Hepatitis C virus infection in children and adolescents Indolfi, Giuseppe

4 6 p. 477-487
7 How can we achieve WHO's elimination target for hepatitis C incidence? Øvrehus, Anne Lindebo Holm

4 6 p. 415-417
8 How should we talk about alcohol and risk? The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology,

4 6 p. 413
9 Long-term efficacy and safety of obeticholic acid for patients with primary biliary cholangitis: 3-year results of an international open-label extension study Trauner, Michael

4 6 p. 445-453
10 Long-term outcomes with obeticholic acid in primary biliary cholangitis: reassuring, but still an itch we need to scratch Eaton, John E

4 6 p. 417-418
11 Optimal dilation time for combined small endoscopic sphincterotomy and balloon dilation for common bile duct stones: a multicentre, single-blinded, randomised controlled trial Meng, Wenbo

4 6 p. 425-434
12 Research in brief Baker, Holly

4 6 p. 422
13 Systemic doxorubicin and hepatocellular carcinoma: the end of an era never risen up Sanduzzi-Zamparelli, Marco

4 6 p. 418-420
14 The contribution of injection drug use to hepatitis C virus transmission globally, regionally, and at country level: a modelling study Trickey, Adam

4 6 p. 435-444
15 The International Liver Congress 2019 Brierley, Rob

4 6 p. 421
16 Ulcerative pyoderma gangrenosum in inflammatory bowel disease Motta, Ilaria

4 6 p. 488
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland