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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A chronic encapsulated expanding hematoma that developed 15 years after gamma knife surgery for a cerebral arteriovenous malformation: A case report and review of the literature Taguchi, Akira

33 1 p. 40-45
2 Acute negative-pressure hydrocephalus: Management algorithm and value of early endoscopic ventriculostomy Casado Pellejero, Juan

33 1 p. 1-8
3 Comment on the paper “Liability and defensibility in neurology and neurosurgery. A “therapeutic” model for the management of malpractice claims” Ibáñez, Javier

33 1 p. 51-52
4 Cranial aseptic osteomyelitis associated with pyoderma gangrenosum Piqué-Duran, Enric

33 1 p. 46-50
5 Early atypical malignant transformation of diffuse low-grade astrocytoma: The importance of genotyping Valente Aguiar, Pedro

33 1 p. 31-34
6 Impact of prognostic nutritional index on survival in recurrent glioblastoma Alan, Ozkan

33 1 p. 15-21
7 Litigability and defensibility in neurology and neurosurgery. A “therapeutic” model for handling claims for malpractice care Aso Escario, José

33 1 p. 22-30
8 Myelopexy: A novel technique in posttraumatic syringomyelia Casado Pellejero, Juan

33 1 p. 35-39
9 Usefulness of the optic nerve sheath ultrasound in patients with cessation of cerebral flow Robles-Caballero, Alejandro

33 1 p. 9-14
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland