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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A qualitative insight at gender-based violence among young alcohol consumers in leisure contexts Tarragona-Camacho, Alicia

33 1 p. 60-67
2 Benefits of continuous suture of perineal injury in adaptation to motherhood Ferrer-Gil, María

33 1 p. 38-46
3 Components of ageism in oncologic patient care: A necessary reflection Fernández-Ortega, Paz

33 1 p. 1-3
4 COVID-19 vaccination process in Latin America and the Caribbean Caycho-Rodríguez, Tomás

33 1 p. 72-73
5 Critical care nurses’ emotional intelligence: A scoping review Lampreia-Raposo, Cátia

33 1 p. 68-71
6 Dating violence and its relationship with anxiety, depression, and stress in young Andalusian university students Tarriño-Concejero, Lorena

33 1 p. 47-59
7 How patients with diabetes experience physical activity promotion during nursing consultations in the Spanish context Jabardo-Camprubí, Guillem

33 1 p. 14-21
8 Knowledge, attitudes and practices of nurses regarding oral hygiene of dependent inpatients Andrade-Leite, Daniela Brandão

33 1 p. 22-29
9 Prophylactic use of silicone dressing to minimize pressure injuries: Systematic review and meta-analysis Rahman-Synthia, Sk Sadia

33 1 p. 4-13
10 The factors that influence the adaptation process 6 months after a stroke: A path analysis Dharma, Kelana Kusuma

33 1 p. 30-37
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland