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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A review of dorsal root ganglia and primary sensory neuron plasticity mediating inflammatory and chronic neuropathic pain Jang, Kyeongran

15 C p.
2 Desipramine induces anti-inflammatory dorsal root ganglion transcriptional signatures in the murine spared nerve injury model Serafini, Randal A.

15 C p.
3 Interactive effects of pain and arousal state on heart rate and cortical activity in the mouse anterior cingulate and somatosensory cortices Sandoval Ortega, Raquel Adaia

15 C p.
4 Is exercise therapy the first-line treatment for chronic pain? Senba, Emiko

15 C p.
5 Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound phonophoresis with diclofenac alleviated inflammation and pain via downregulation of M1 macrophages in rats with carrageenan-induced knee joint arthritis Sasaki, Ryo

15 C p.
6 Massage-like stroking produces analgesia in mice Waarala, Zachary M.S.

15 C p.
7 Pain-sensorimotor interactions: New perspectives and a new model Murray, Greg M.

15 C p.
8 Spinal cord injury-induced neurogenic bowel: A role for host-microbiome interactions in bowel pain and dysfunction Willits, Adam B.

15 C p.
9 Thermal escape box: A cost-benefit evaluation paradigm for investigating thermosensation and thermal pain Dayton, Jacquelyn R.

15 C p.
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland