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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 An Asset-Based Quality Improvement Tool for Health Care Organizations: Cultivating Organizationwide Quality Improvement and Health Care Professional Engagement Loving, Vilert A.

48 11 p. 599-608
2 An Injury Mitigation Program Highlights the Importance of Adhering to Current Infection Control Policies Chen, Esther H.

48 11 p. 609-611
3 Developing the Safer Dx Checklist of Ten Safety Recommendations for Health Care Organizations to Address Diagnostic Errors Singh, Hardeep

48 11 p. 581-590
4 Editorial Board
48 11 p. iii
5 High Primary Cesarean Section Rates: Strategies for Improvement Crespo, Frank A.

48 11 p. 617-624
6 How to Mitigate the Effects of Cognitive Biases During Patient Safety Incident Investigations Rogers, Jordan E.

48 11 p. 612-616
7 Improving Sepsis Management Through the Emergency Quality Network Sepsis Initiative Rodos, Adam

48 11 p. 572-580
8 Mi Plan: Using a Pediatric-Based Community Health Worker Model to Facilitate Obtainment of Contraceptives Among Latino Immigrant Parents with Contraceptive Needs Caballero, Tania Maria

48 11 p. 591-598
9 Promoting Action on Diagnostic Safety: The Safer Dx Checklist Brady, Patrick W.

48 11 p. 559-560
10 Table of Contents
48 11 p. i-ii
11 The Journey to Achieve Health Care Equity: The New Joint Commission Accreditation Standard and Call for Papers Baker, David W.

48 11 p. 561-563
12 Variations in Code Team Composition During Different Times of Day and Week and by Level of Hospital Complexity Li, Yi

48 11 p. 564-571
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland