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tijdschrift |
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1 |
A data-driven machine learning approach for yaw control applications of wind farms
Santoni, Christian |
13 |
5 |
p. |
artikel |
2 |
A dynamic-mode-decomposition-based acceleration method for unsteady adjoint equations at low Reynolds numbers
Chen, Wengang |
13 |
5 |
p. |
artikel |
3 |
A new passive transfemoral prosthesis mechanism based on 3R36 knee and ESAR foot providing walking and squatting
Imran, Amer |
13 |
5 |
p. |
artikel |
4 |
An incompressible flow solver on a GPU/CPU heterogeneous architecture parallel computing platform
Li, Qianqian |
13 |
5 |
p. |
artikel |
5 |
Artificial boundary condition for Klein-Gordon equation by constructing mechanics structure
Gang, Pang |
13 |
5 |
p. |
artikel |
6 |
Experimental observation on water entry of a sphere in regular wave
Wang, Qian |
13 |
5 |
p. |
artikel |
7 |
Fault-tolerant FADS system development for a hypersonic vehicle via neural network algorithms
Wan, Qian |
13 |
5 |
p. |
artikel |
8 |
Numerical study of the splashing wave induced by a seaplane using mesh-based and particle-based methods
Xu, Yang |
13 |
5 |
p. |
artikel |
9 |
Space-time correlations of passive scalar in Kraichnan model
Yang, Ping-Fan |
13 |
5 |
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artikel |
10 |
The effect of gravity on self-similarity of Worthington jet after water entry of a two-dimensional wedge
Du, Yan |
13 |
5 |
p. |
artikel |