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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Aerodynamic shape and drag scaling law of a flexible fibre in a flowing medium Sun, Bo-Hua

13 3 p.
2 An operator methodology for the global dynamic analysis of stochastic nonlinear systems Benedetti, Kaio C. B.

13 3 p.
3 Computer simulation of Cu: AlOOH/water in a microchannel heat sink using a porous media technique and solved by numerical analysis AGM and FEM Abdollahi, S.A.

13 3 p.
4 Corrigendum to “Noise colour influence on escape times in nonlinear oscillators - experimental and numerical results” [Theor. App. Mech. Lett. 13 (2023) 100420] Breunung, Thomas

13 3 p.
5 Effect of wall friction on oscillation of velocity at the head of the gravity current Koue, Jinichi

13 3 p.
6 Equation governing the probability density evolution of multi-dimensional linear fractional differential systems subject to Gaussian white noise Luo, Yi

13 3 p.
7 Interactions between a central bubble and a surrounding bubble cluster Zhang, A-Man

13 3 p.
8 Numerical optimisation of a classical stochastic system for targeted energy transfer Gaidai, Oleg

13 3 p.
9 Parameter identification for a damage phase field model using a physics-informed neural network Rojas, Carlos J.G.

13 3 p.
10 Predicting solutions of the stochastic fractional order dynamical system using machine learning Lin, Zi-Fei

13 3 p.
11 Sound absorbing properties of spiral metasurfaces inspired by micro-perforated plates Zhang, Han

13 3 p.
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland