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                             13 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A complete telomere-to-telomere assembly provides new reference genome for rice Huang, Xuehui

16 9 p. 1370-1372
2 Back to wild relatives for future breeding through super-pangenome Raza, Ali

16 9 p. 1363-1365
3 Comparative and population genomics of buckwheat species reveal key determinants of flavor and fertility Zhang, Kaixuan

16 9 p. 1427-1444
4 Condensation of STM is critical for shoot meristem maintenance and salt tolerance in Arabidopsis Cao, Xiuwei

16 9 p. 1445-1459
5 Coordinating plant pigment production: A green role for ORANGE family proteins Hitchcock, Andrew

16 9 p. 1366-1369
6 E2F transcription factors and their complementary roles during DNA damage responses Casati, Paula

16 9 p. 1373-1375
7 Hidden in the parts: How the cell-type perspective reveals novel insights into plant-microbe interactions Fröschel, Christian

16 9 p. 1359-1362
8 Integrated genome-wide differentiation and association analyses identify causal genes underlying breeding-selected grain quality traits in japonica rice Yoshida, Hideki

16 9 p. 1460-1477
9 Legume-specific SnRK1 promotes malate supply to bacteroids for symbiotic nitrogen fixation Guo, Da

16 9 p. 1396-1412
10 Loss of OsARF18 function confers glufosinate resistance in rice Xia, Jin-Qiu

16 9 p. 1355-1358
11 Putting the brakes on pollen wall development: A conserved negative feedback loop regulates pollen exine formation in flowering plants Zhou, Yuan

16 9 p. 1376-1378
12 Rice domestication-associated transcription factor PROSTRATE GROWTH 1 controls plant and panicle architecture by regulating the expression of LAZY 1 and OsGIGANTEA, respectively Wang, Jun

16 9 p. 1413-1426
13 RIN enhances plant disease resistance via root exudate-mediated assembly of disease-suppressive rhizosphere microbiota Yang, Keming

16 9 p. 1379-1395
                             13 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland