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                             15 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A positive feedback regulation of SnRK1 signaling by autophagy in plants Yang, Chao

16 7 p. 1192-1211
2 AraENCODE: A comprehensive epigenomic database of Arabidopsis thaliana Wang, Zhenji

16 7 p. 1113-1116
3 Bioactivated and selective: A promising new family of nematicides with a novel mode of action You, Liyuan

16 7 p. 1106-1108
4 Cell-type-specific transcriptomics reveals that root hairs and endodermal barriers play important roles in beneficial plant-rhizobacterium interactions Verbon, Eline H.

16 7 p. 1160-1177
5 Cellulose synthesis in land plants Pedersen, Gustav B.

16 7 p. 1228
6 Distinct functions of TIR1 and AFB1 receptors in auxin signaling Chen, Huihuang

16 7 p. 1117-1119
7 From plastids to the cytosol: Redefining boundaries for provitamin A biofortification in plants Yu, Shu

16 7 p. 1109-1112
8 Phylogenomic discovery of deleterious mutants completes the potato breeding revolution Fernie, Alisdair R.

16 7 p. 1103-1105
9 QT–GWAS: A novel method for unveiling biosynthetic loci affecting qualitative metabolic traits Brouckaert, Marlies

16 7 p. 1212-1227
10 The AFB1 auxin receptor controls the cytoplasmic auxin response pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana Dubey, Shiv Mani

16 7 p. 1120-1130
11 The domestication-associated L1 gene encodes a eucomic acid synthase pleiotropically modulating pod pigmentation and shattering in soybean Lyu, Xiangguang

16 7 p. 1178-1191
12 The LBD11-ROS feedback regulatory loop modulates vascular cambium proliferation and secondary growth in Arabidopsis Dang, Tuong Vi T.

16 7 p. 1131-1145
13 The long non-coding RNA PILNCR2 increases low phosphate tolerance in maize by interfering with miRNA399-guided cleavage of ZmPHT1s Wang, Yafei

16 7 p. 1146-1159
14 The power of phenomics: Improving genebank value and utility Joseph Fernando, Ezhilmathi Angela

16 7 p. 1099-1101
15 Unveiling cellular divergence in grasses using high-resolution transcriptomics Ashraf, M. Arif

16 7 p. 1102
                             15 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland