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                             13 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Calcium-dependent activation of CPK12 facilitates its cytoplasm-to-nucleus translocation to potentiate plant hypoxia sensing by phosphorylating ERF-VII transcription factors Fan, Biao

16 6 p. 979-998
2 Co-chaperoning of chlorophyll and carotenoid biosynthesis by ORANGE family proteins in plants Sun, Tianhu

16 6 p. 1048-1065
3 Cytokinin signaling promotes salt tolerance by modulating shoot chloride exclusion in maize Yin, Pan

16 6 p. 1031-1047
4 Dynamic evolution of terpenoid biosynthesis in the Lamiaceae Wang, Zhibiao

16 6 p. 963-965
5 Installing the neurospora carotenoid pathway in plants enables cytosolic formation of provitamin A and its sequestration in lipid droplets Zheng, Xiongjie

16 6 p. 1066-1081
6 OsDMI3, a Ca2+/calmodulin kinase, integrates and amplifies H2O2 and Ca2+ signaling in ABA-mediated responses Torres, Miguel-Ángel

16 6 p. 968-970
7 Phase separation of the nuclear pore complex facilitates selective nuclear transport to regulate plant defense against pathogen and pest invasion Wang, Jiaojiao

16 6 p. 1016-1030
8 Plant immune receptors can sequester and protect host proteins from pathogen-promoted degradation Lapin, Dmitry

16 6 p. 966-967
9 Protein phase separation of plant nuclear pore complex Tamura, Kentaro

16 6 p. 973-974
10 Streamline unsupervised machine learning to survey and graph indel-based haplotypes from pan-genomes Zhang, Bosen

16 6 p. 975-978
11 The RLCK–VND6 module coordinates secondary cell wall formation and adaptive growth in rice Cao, Shaoxue

16 6 p. 999-1015
12 Transcriptome-wide profiling of RNA N 4-cytidine acetylation in Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa Li, Bin

16 6 p. 1082-1098
13 Underwater survival: Calcium signaling keeps plants afloat Zhang, Daai

16 6 p. 971-972
                             13 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland