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                             19 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A chromosome-scale genome assembly of Dasypyrum villosum provides insights into its application as a broad-spectrum disease resistance resource for wheat improvement Zhang, Xu

16 2 p. 432-451
2 A female in vivo haploid-induction system via mutagenesis of egg cell-specific peptidases Zhang, Xuecheng

16 2 p. 471-480
3 A novel protein domain is important for photosystem II complex assembly and photoautotrophic growth in angiosperms Li, Wei

16 2 p. 374-392
4 A “protector” model for membrane trafficking-regulated and NLR-mediated plant immunity Zhu, Xiaobo

16 2 p. 303-305
5 A wheat integrative regulatory network from large-scale complementary functional datasets enables trait-associated gene discovery for crop improvement Chen, Yongming

16 2 p. 393-414
6 Breaking the spatial restriction of pluripotency acquisition by environmental stimuli Ikeuchi, Momoko

16 2 p. 301-302
7 Cell-specific pathways recruited for symbiotic nodulation in the Medicago truncatula legume Cervantes-Pérez, Sergio Alan

16 2 p. 481-483
8 Dissecting symbiosis cell by cell Frank, Manuel

16 2 p. 308-309
9 Endosperm ontogeny through the lens of epigenetics Singh, Kajol B.M.

16 2 p. 295-297
10 Genomic footprints of Kam Sweet Rice domestication indicate possible migration routes of the Dong people in China and provide resources for future rice breeding Liu, Chunhui

16 2 p. 415-431
11 Integration of high-throughput phenotyping, GWAS, and predictive models reveals the genetic architecture of plant height in maize Wang, Weixuan

16 2 p. 354-373
12 Large-scale identification of potential phase-separation proteins from plants using a cell-free system Zhang, Honghong

16 2 p. 310-313
13 Natural variations of OsAUX5, a target gene of OsWRKY78, control the neutral essential amino acid content in rice grains Shi, Yuheng

16 2 p. 322-336
14 Rare alleles from tolerant cultivars are useful for generating salt-tolerant rice Krishnamurthy, Pannaga

16 2 p. 306-307
15 SIRK1-QSK1 as a novel receptor complex perceiving endogenous PEP7 peptides Rzemieniewski, Jakub

16 2 p. 298-300
16 The gap-free potato genome assembly reveals large tandem gene clusters of agronomical importance in highly repeated genomic regions Yang, Xiaohui

16 2 p. 314-317
17 The MEKK1-MKK1/2-MPK4 cascade phosphorylates and stabilizes STOP1 to confer aluminum resistance in Arabidopsis Zhou, Fanglin

16 2 p. 337-353
18 Two haplotype-resolved, gap-free genome assemblies for Actinidia latifolia and Actinidia chinensis shed light on the regulatory mechanisms of vitamin C and sucrose metabolism in kiwifruit Han, Xue

16 2 p. 452-470
19 Wheat-RegNet: An encyclopedia of common wheat hierarchical regulatory networks Tang, Tengfei

16 2 p. 318-321
                             19 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland