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                             22 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A bacterial effector protein uncovers a plant metabolic pathway involved in tolerance to bacterial wilt disease Wang, Yaru

14 8 p. 1281-1296
2 A negative feedback loop controls ROS production in plant immunity Wrzaczek, Michael

14 8 p. 1221-1222
3 Cells know how big they are Du, Fei

14 8 p. 1239-1240
4 Chemical control of receptor kinase signaling by rapamycin-induced dimerization Kim, Sara

14 8 p. 1379-1390
5 Defective mitochondrial function by mutation in THICK ALEURONE 1 encoding a mitochondrion-targeted single-stranded DNA-binding protein leads to increased aleurone cell layers and improved nutrition in rice Li, Dong-Qi

14 8 p. 1343-1361
6 Distinct phosphoinositides define the biotrophic interface of plant–microbe interactions Qin, Li

14 8 p. 1223-1225
7 Engineering broad-spectrum resistance to bacterial blight by CRISPR-Cas9-mediated precise homology directed repair in rice Wei, Zheng

14 8 p. 1215-1218
8 Gibberellin signaling turns blue Blanco-Touriñán, Noel

14 8 p. 1226-1228
9 Imaging Mass Cytometry: A promising multiplex detection tool for plant science research Leroux, Olivier

14 8 p. 1241-1243
10 Light-triggered reactions do not bias boron deficiency-induced root inhibition of Arabidopsis seedlings grown in Petri dishes Liu, Zhaojun

14 8 p. 1211-1214
11 Nuclear translocation of OsMFT1 that is impeded by OsFTIP1 promotes drought tolerance in rice Chen, Ying

14 8 p. 1297-1311
12 Plant cytochrome P450 plasticity and evolution Hansen, Cecilie Cetti

14 8 p. 1244-1265
13 Primary metabolism: It’s more than what's for dinner Anderson, Jeffrey C.

14 8 p. 1219-1220
14 Reconstruction of lateral root formation through single-cell RNA sequencing reveals order of tissue initiation Serrano-Ron, Laura

14 8 p. 1362-1378
15 Redox sensor QSOX1 regulates plant immunity by targeting GSNOR to modulate ROS generation Chae, Ho Byoung

14 8 p. 1312-1327
16 Targeting of anti-microbial proteins to the hyphal surface amplifies protection of crop plants against Phytophthora pathogens Zhou, Yang

14 8 p. 1391-1403
17 The blue light receptor CRY1 interacts with GID1 and DELLA proteins to repress GA signaling during photomorphogenesis in Arabidopsis Zhong, Ming

14 8 p. 1328-1342
18 The GW2-WG1-OsbZIP47 pathway controls grain size and weight in rice Hao, Jianqin

14 8 p. 1266-1280
19 The magic of genomics in creating hybrid potato Huang, Xuehui

14 8 p. 1237-1238
20 Understanding lateral root formation, one cell at a time Primc, Anamarija

14 8 p. 1229-1231
21 Unloading phosphate for starch synthesis in cereal grains Xu, Lei

14 8 p. 1232-1233
22 ZAR1 resistosome and helper NLRs: Bringing in calcium and inducing cell death Chen, Jian

14 8 p. 1234-1236
                             22 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland