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                             19 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Arabidopsis N 6-methyladenosine reader CPSF30-L recognizes FUE signals to control polyadenylation site choice in liquid-like nuclear bodies Song, Peizhe

14 4 p. 571-587
2 Asymmetric epigenome maps of subgenomes reveal imbalanced transcription and distinct evolutionary trends in Brassica napus Zhang, Qing

14 4 p. 604-619
3 ATP binding cassette proteins ABCG37 and ABCG33 function as potassium-independent cesium uptake carriers in Arabidopsis roots Ashraf, Mohammad Arif

14 4 p. 664-678
4 Breeding with dominant genic male-sterility genes to boost crop grain yield in the post-heterosis utilization era Wan, Xiangyuan

14 4 p. 531-534
5 CPSF30-L-mediated recognition of mRNA m6A modification controls alternative polyadenylation of nitrate signaling-related gene transcripts in Arabidopsis Hou, Yifeng

14 4 p. 688-699
6 Dynamic spatial reorganization of BSK1 complexes in the plasma membrane underpins signal-specific activation for growth and immunity Su, Bodan

14 4 p. 588-603
7 Forkhead-associated domain 2 links light signal to miRNA biogenesis Gan, Lu

14 4 p. 541-543
8 Genome-wide identification of agronomically important genes in outcrossing crops using OutcrossSeq Chen, Mengjiao

14 4 p. 556-570
9 Green Revolution DELLAs: From translational reinitiation to future sustainable agriculture Liu, Qian

14 4 p. 547-549
10 Improving genomic tools for outcrossing crops Jubin, Cathy

14 4 p. 538-540
11 Is the Pr form of phytochrome biologically active in the nucleus? Li, Jigang

14 4 p. 535-537
12 Light-stabilized FHA2 suppresses miRNA biogenesis through interactions with DCL1 and HYL1 Park, Seung Jun

14 4 p. 647-663
13 N-terminal truncated RHT-1 proteins generated by translational reinitiation cause semi-dwarfing of wheat Green Revolution alleles Van De Velde, Karel

14 4 p. 679-687
14 OsEDR1 has non-canonical scaffold function in regulating MAPK cascade in plant immunity Shi, Chun-Lin

14 4 p. 555
15 Pathogen-inducible OsMPKK10.2-OsMPK6 cascade phosphorylates the Raf-like kinase OsEDR1 and inhibits its scaffold function to promote rice disease resistance Ma, Haigang

14 4 p. 620-632
16 Regulation of the stability and ABA import activity of NRT1.2/NPF4.6 by CEPR2-mediated phosphorylation in Arabidopsis Zhang, Lei

14 4 p. 633-646
17 The quest for selective Cs+ transport in plants Nieves-Cordones, Manuel

14 4 p. 552-554
18 Two birds with one stone: CEPR2 phosphorylates dual targets in ABA signaling Yang, Qianying

14 4 p. 550-551
19 UGT76B1 controls the growth-immunity trade-off during systemic acquired resistance Pastorczyk-Szlenkier, Marta

14 4 p. 544-546
                             19 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland