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                             17 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A cellular mechanism underlying the restoration of thermo/photoperiod-sensitive genic male sterility Shi, Qiang-Sheng

14 12 p. 2104-2114
2 A gain-of-function mutation of the MATE family transporter DTX6 confers paraquat resistance inĀ Arabidopsis Xia, Jin-Qiu

14 12 p. 2126-2133
3 An angiosperm NLR Atlas reveals that NLR gene reduction is associated with ecological specialization and signal transduction component deletion Liu, Yang

14 12 p. 2015-2031
4 A single-cell morpho-transcriptomic map of brassinosteroid action in the Arabidopsis root Graeff, Moritz

14 12 p. 1985-1999
5 Changing Gly311 to an acidic amino acid in the MATE family protein DTX6 enhances Arabidopsis resistance to the dihydropyridine herbicides Lv, Zeyu

14 12 p. 2115-2125
6 Coordinated regulation of plant immunity by poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation and K63-linked ubiquitination Yao, Dongsheng

14 12 p. 2088-2103
7 Cytoplasmic and nuclear genome variations of rice hybrids and their parents inform the trajectory and strategy of hybrid rice breeding Gu, Zhoulin

14 12 p. 2056-2071
8 Dynamic changes of phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate levels modulate H+-ATPase and Na+/H+ antiporter activities to maintain ion homeostasis in Arabidopsis under salt stress Yang, Yongqing

14 12 p. 2000-2014
9 Fine-tuning ROS homeostasis by ROD1 is a battleground between rice and Magnaporthe oryzae Kawano, Yoji

14 12 p. 1979-1981
10 Pan-genome of Raphanus highlights genetic variation and introgression among domesticated, wild, and weedy radishes Zhang, Xiaohui

14 12 p. 2032-2055
11 Phosphoinositides: Emerging players in plant salinity stress tolerance Shabala, Sergey

14 12 p. 1973-1975
12 The BZR1-EDS1 module regulates plant growth-defense coordination Qi, Guang

14 12 p. 2072-2087
13 The main restorer Rf3 of maize S type cytoplasmic male sterility encodes a PPR protein that functions in reduction of the transcripts of orf355 Qin, Xiner

14 12 p. 1961-1964
14 TMK: A crucial piece of the acid growth puzzle Peng, Yakun

14 12 p. 1982-1984
15 Toward haplotype studies in polyploid plants to assist breeding Yuan, Yuxuan

14 12 p. 1969-1972
16 Ubiquitination and PARylation cross-talk about immunity Trujillo, Marco

14 12 p. 1976-1978
17 WheatOmics: A platform combining multiple omics data to accelerate functional genomics studies in wheat Ma, Shengwei

14 12 p. 1965-1968
                             17 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland