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                             22 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Adding a metabolic layer of root clock regulation Du, Fei

14 10 p. 1622-1623
2 A karyopherin constrains nuclear activity of the NLR protein SNC1 and is essential to prevent autoimmunity in Arabidopsis Jia, Min

14 10 p. 1733-1744
3 A novel miR167a-OsARF6-OsAUX3 module regulates grain length and weight in rice Qiao, Jiyue

14 10 p. 1683-1698
4 Bph30 confers resistance to brown planthopper by fortifying sclerenchyma in rice leaf sheaths Shi, Shaojie

14 10 p. 1714-1732
5 Calcium signaling primes RNA interference during viral infection Echevarria, Jesus Sanchez Pardo

14 10 p. 1621-1622
6 Galactosylation of rhamnogalacturonan-II for cell wall pectin biosynthesis is critical for root apoplastic iron reallocation in Arabidopsis Peng, Jia-Shi

14 10 p. 1640-1651
7 Gapless indica rice genome reveals synergistic contributions of active transposable elements and segmental duplications to rice genome evolution Li, Kui

14 10 p. 1745-1756
8 Genomic insights into the fast growth of paulownias and the formation of Paulownia witches' broom Cao, Yabing

14 10 p. 1668-1682
9 How utilizing the genes involved in drought tolerance could tackle the climate change-related food crisis? Fernando, Angela

14 10 p. 1601-1603
10 3-Hydroxycarlactone, a Novel Product of the Strigolactone Biosynthesis Core Pathway Baz, Lina

14 10 p. 1768-1770
11 (Not) an elementary question: How to mobilize the iron in the wall? Clemens, Stephan

14 10 p. 1610-1611
12 Nucleocytoplasmic trafficking during immunity Castel, Baptiste

14 10 p. 1612-1614
13 Plant cytochrome P450 plasticity and evolution Hansen, Cecilie Cetti

14 10 p. 1772
14 Restriction of iron loading into developing seeds by a YABBY transcription factor safeguards successful reproduction in Arabidopsis Sun, Li

14 10 p. 1624-1639
15 RiceENCODE: A comprehensive epigenomic database as a rice Encyclopedia of DNA Elements Xie, Liang

14 10 p. 1604-1606
16 ROS around RIPK Liu, Derui

14 10 p. 1607-1609
17 Size matters: G protein signaling is crucial for grain size control in rice Duan, Penggen

14 10 p. 1618-1620
18 STOP1 regulatory system: Centered on multiple stress tolerance and cellular nutrient management Koyama, Hiroyuki

14 10 p. 1615-1617
19 TCP14 and TCP15 Mediate the Promotion of Seed Germination by Gibberellins in Arabidopsis thaliana Resentini, Francesca

14 10 p. 1771
20 The receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase RIPK regulates broad-spectrum ROS signaling in multiple layers of plant immune system Li, Ping

14 10 p. 1652-1667
21 The RING E3 ligase CLG1 targets GS3 for degradation via the endosome pathway to determine grain size in rice Yang, Wensi

14 10 p. 1699-1713
22 Two gap-free reference genomes and a global view of the centromere architecture in rice Song, Jia-Ming

14 10 p. 1757-1767
                             22 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland