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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Molecular Framework for Auxin-Controlled Homeostasis of Shoot Stem Cells in Arabidopsis Luo, Linjie

11 7 p. 899-913
2 cis–trans Engineering: Advances and Perspectives on Customized Transcriptional Regulation in Plants Shrestha, Ankita

11 7 p. 886-898
3 Expanding the Scope of CRISPR/Cpf1-Mediated Genome Editing in Rice Li, Shaoya

11 7 p. 995-998
4 Genome Analysis of the Ancient Tracheophyte Selaginella tamariscina Reveals Evolutionary Features Relevant to the Acquisition of Desiccation Tolerance Xu, Zhichao

11 7 p. 983-994
5 Inner Envelope CHLOROPLAST MANGANESE TRANSPORTER 1 Supports Manganese Homeostasis and Phototrophic Growth in Arabidopsis Zhang, Bin

11 7 p. 943-954
6 Molecular Networks Regulating Meristem Homeostasis Traas, Jan

11 7 p. 883-885
7 Plant Genome Editing Using FnCpf1 and LbCpf1 Nucleases at Redefined and Altered PAM Sites Zhong, Zhaohui

11 7 p. 999-1002
8 SEUSS and PIF4 Coordinately Regulate Light and Temperature Signaling Pathways to Control Plant Growth Huai, Junling

11 7 p. 928-942
9 The Antagonistic Action of Abscisic Acid and Cytokinin Signaling Mediates Drought Stress Response in Arabidopsis Huang, Xiaozhen

11 7 p. 970-982
10 The Plastid Envelope CHLOROPLAST MANGANESE TRANSPORTER1 Is Essential for Manganese Homeostasis in Arabidopsis Eisenhut, Marion

11 7 p. 955-969
11 Unstable Allotetraploid Tobacco Genome due to Frequent Homeologous Recombination, Segmental Deletion, and Chromosome Loss Chen, Shumin

11 7 p. 914-927
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland