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                             18 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Centromere Size and Its Relationship to Haploid Formation in Plants Wang, Na

11 3 p. 398-406
2 Chinese Root-type Mustard Provides Phylogenomic Insights into the Evolution of the Multi-use Diversified Allopolyploid Brassica juncea Yang, Jinghua

11 3 p. 512-514
3 Double the Genome, Double the Fun: Genome Duplications in Angiosperms Jiao, Yuannian

11 3 p. 357-358
4 Functional Divergence between Subgenomes and Gene Pairs after Whole Genome Duplications Liang, Zhikai

11 3 p. 388-397
5 Gene-Indexed Mutations in Maize Lu, Xiaoduo

11 3 p. 496-504
6 Genic C-Methylation in Soybean Is Associated with Gene Paralogs Relocated to Transposable Element-Rich Pericentromeres El Baidouri, Moaine

11 3 p. 485-495
7 Genome-wide Analysis of Transcriptional Variability in a Large Maize-Teosinte Population Wang, Xufeng

11 3 p. 443-459
8 Genome-wide Scan for Seed Composition Provides Insights into Soybean Quality Improvement and the Impacts of Domestication and Breeding Zhang, Jiaoping

11 3 p. 460-472
9 Genomic Analyses Yield Markers for Identifying Agronomically Important Genes in Potato Li, Yangping

11 3 p. 473-484
10 Live and Let Die: The Core Circadian Oscillator Coordinates Plant Life History and Pilots Leaf Senescence Zentgraf, Ulrike

11 3 p. 351-353
11 miRNAs as a Secret Weapon in the Battlefield of Haustoria, the Interface between Parasites and Host Plants Wu, Jianqiang

11 3 p. 354-356
12 Relationships between Gene Structure and Genome Instability in Flowering Plants Bennetzen, Jeffrey L.

11 3 p. 407-413
13 Rice Functional Genomics Research: Past Decade and Future Li, Yan

11 3 p. 359-380
14 Rice Information GateWay: A Comprehensive Bioinformatics Platform for Indica Rice Genomes Song, Jia-Ming

11 3 p. 505-507
15 Sequence-Independent Identification of Active LTR Retrotransposons in Arabidopsis Griffiths, Jayne

11 3 p. 508-511
16 Specifications of Targeting Heterochromatin Modifications in Plants Wendte, Jered M.

11 3 p. 381-387
17 The Hardy Rubber Tree Genome Provides Insights into the Evolution of Polyisoprene Biosynthesis Wuyun, Ta-na

11 3 p. 429-442
18 Widespread Whole Genome Duplications Contribute to Genome Complexity and Species Diversity in Angiosperms Ren, Ren

11 3 p. 414-428
                             18 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland