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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A smart data-driven rapid method to recognize the strawberry maturity Yue, Xiao-Qin

7 4 p. 575-584
2 Automatic grading of apples based on multi-features and weighted K-means clustering algorithm Yu, Yang

7 4 p. 556-565
3 Automatic tracking of multi-fruit targets with oscillation under natural growth conditions Zhang, Lin-lin

7 4 p. 546-555
4 Editorial Board
7 4 p. IFC
5 Gradient-based method for the identification of multi-nodes in sugarcane Yang, Rui

7 4 p. 491-499
6 Performance analysis of deep learning CNN models for disease detection in plants using image segmentation Sharma, Parul

7 4 p. 566-574
7 Prediction of chemical composition for callus production in Gyrinops walla Gaetner through machine learning Munasinghe, Sachithri P.

7 4 p. 511-522
8 Prediction of wheat moisture content at harvest time through ANN and SVR modeling techniques Abdollahpour, Shamsollah

7 4 p. 500-510
9 Rumination recognition method of dairy cows based on the change of noseband pressure Shen, Weizheng

7 4 p. 479-490
10 Segmentation and measurement scheme for fish morphological features based on Mask R-CNN Yu, Chuang

7 4 p. 523-534
11 Weed detection in canola fields using maximum likelihood classification and deep convolutional neural network Asad, Muhammad Hamza

7 4 p. 535-545
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland