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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A computer vision system for early detection of anthracnose in sugar mango (Mangifera indica) based on UV-A illumination Ramírez Alberto, Leonardo

10 2 p. 204-215
2 A High-similarity shellfish recognition method based on convolutional neural network Zhang, Yang

10 2 p. 149-163
3 An improved binocular localization method for apple based on fruit detection using deep learning Li, Tengfei

10 2 p. 276-287
4 A survey of image-based computational learning techniques for frost detection in plants Shammi, Sayma

10 2 p. 164-191
5 Automated garden-insect recognition using improved lightweight convolution network Yang, Zhankui

10 2 p. 256-266
6 Digital analysis of egg surface area and volume: Effects of longitudinal axis, maximum breadth and weight Sedghi, Mohammad

10 2 p. 229-239
7 Editorial Board
10 2 p. IFC
8 Implementation of drone technology for farm monitoring & pesticide spraying: A review Hafeez, Abdul

10 2 p. 192-203
9 Method for wheat ear counting based on frequency domain decomposition of MSVF-ISCT Bao, Wenxia

10 2 p. 240-255
10 Sensitivity analysis of the DehumReq model to evaluate the impact of predominant factors on dehumidification requirement of greenhouses in cold regions Rahman, Md Sazan

10 2 p. 216-228
11 Tea picking point detection and location based on Mask-RCNN Wang, Tao

10 2 p. 267-275
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland