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                             18 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Acute pancreatitis in children with covid-19 associated multisistem inflammatory syndrome Traba Zubiaurre, Marta

96 3 p. 270-272
2 Adecuacy of pediatric antimicrobial prescribing in the Emergency Department at discharge García-Moreno, Félix Jesús

96 3 p. 179-189
3 Asymptomatic hyperkalemia as a form of presentation of pseudohypoaldosteronism Pueyo-Agudo, Eva

96 3 p. 263-264
4 Desing of a risk map in a paediatric emergency department Arias Constanti, Vanessa

96 3 p. 267-270
5 Epidemiology and risk factors for bronchopulmonary dysplasia in preterm infants born at or less than 32 weeks of gestation Sucasas Alonso, Andrea

96 3 p. 242-251
6 Extremely variable expressivity in Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome: Review of 4 cases Sánchez-Soler, María José

96 3 p. 253-255
7 Growth hormone deficit: Influence of puberty on the response to treatment Sánchez Malo, María José

96 3 p. 221-229
8 Impact of the use of molecular techniques (PCR) on detection and eradication success against Helicobacter pylori Gallardo Padilla, Miguel

96 3 p. 190-195
9 It is time for planetary paediatrics Campillo i López, Ferran

96 3 p. 177-178
10 Percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty validity for congenital aortic stenosis. Experience since the beginning of the tequnique González, Luis Fernández

96 3 p. 265-267
11 PET/CT role in the diagnosis of infective endocarditis in patients with congenital heart disease Walter, Carin

96 3 p. 260-263
12 Prevalence of psychological symptoms and associated risk factors in a Spanish sample of HIV-positive youth compared to uninfected peers Velo Higueras, Carlos

96 3 p. 203-212
13 Prospective study on influence of perinatal factors on the development of early neonatal hypoglycemia in late preterm and term infants Ruiz, Nuria Martín

96 3 p. 230-241
14 QTc interval prolongation in patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 and treated with antiviral drugs Esmel-Vilomara, Roger

96 3 p. 213-220
15 Quality of life related to health and habits: Differences between adolescents in rural and urban environments Boraita, Raúl Jiménez

96 3 p. 196-202
16 Usefulness of lung ultrasound in the diagnosis and follow-up of respiratory diseases in neonates Fernández, Lorena Rodeño

96 3 p. 252.e1-252.e13
17 Use of intravenous prostaglandins in neonatal vasospasm Juberías Alzueta, Cristina

96 3 p. 258-259
18 Use of near infrared spectroscopy in neonatal gastric perforation Torres-Martínez, Ester

96 3 p. 256-258
                             18 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland